Last night was a class on soups. It was an OK class, but Bobbie and Steph came, so it made it a lot more fun. They did however get me in trouble by talking so much. HAHA. We had a great time giggling in the back. She messed up on a recipe. It was suppose to be honey butter, but there was no honey in the recipe and it was bacon grease. Yummy bacon butter, hahaha. I think I should make bacon butter just for them.

Bobbie also won a can of chicken broth!! Wahooo!! She was going to pick the corn bread mix, but at the last second she thought I said something and picked the broth. Why would I care what she choose. I laughed pretty hard about that. Use that chicken broth well Bobbie!

Will was absolutely wonderful and watched all of the boys while we were gone. It is nice to have such a supportive and willing husband.
Bacon butter??? Gross! And why would you choose Chicken broth? Ignore Kristin next time and go with your first choice of corn bread.
Hooray for Will! Seriously, it was so nice to have a little time with no kids. I enjoyed the class. And Kristin, if you make bacon honey butter I promise you there will be vomit in your house....probably not just mine! Can't wait for our soup party!
How cute are the boys? I would go too if I were closer. I am with Kay...ignore Kristin and go with the Corn bread next time. :)
Yes, I agree as well. It is tough to rein Kristin's fetish for chicken broth. We have pallets in a hidden closet of our house.
How cute are all those little munchkins... I cant believe the weather is going to be so cruddy this weekend! When is the tourney? On the 13th? Lets pray for good weather.
Ewww! Bacon grease? Yucky. I was going to go to that class...I totally forgot it was last night. I did nothing.
Those boys look like a handful but a lot of fun.
I still swear you said "get the broth". Don't lie to me!! :-)
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