Saturday morning arrived and it was raining and cold. Not the best Disc Golf weather, but not really that wet nor that cold. Went to our 2-round tournament (boy, it took forever to start) - Matt got grouped with a 9 & 13 yr old and I was with 3 other random people. I then proceeded to throw the round of my life . . . the WORST round of my life. I usually average around +4 or 5 when we play casually and that would have put me well into contention. I played SOOO bad and ended with the division's worst score of +13. I had 5 double-bogeys (+2). There were definitely moments when I just wanted to take my discs and go home. To put an end to this round, let's just say that I was pretty devastated. Matt played very well and his score of +4 put him in 3rd and he got to play the 2nd round with the other top players of our division.
I got to play the next round with the kids that Matt got to for the 1st round. (probably my "reward" for my 1st round's performance). Let's just say I played a LOT better. I was definitely more relaxed since I was playing with the kids (Matt agreed after he experienced playing with other competitors). I shot the division's best 2nd round score of +3. I think Matt shot a 2nd round score of +7 and tied for 1st. Unfortunately he lost in a playoff, but the guy who beat him had the skills for a division higher. His excuse was that he hadn't played Art Dye before. I surprisingly placed 5th and got a certificate for a free disc. All in all, it was pretty fun (I say "pretty" because it took way too long to start and end). How I wish I could have played the 1st round like I did my 2nd . . .

We came home and had dinner. We listened to the 1st half of the BYU game on the radio. It's pretty frustrating not being able to watch their games on TV. I'm sure everyone would agree that it stinks!!!!!!!!! I could put more exclamation points, but I don't have the patience to capture HOW frustrating it is. Matt & Mickie went to BYU to watch the 2nd half. Travis, Kristin and I tried out Ticket To Ride - Germany. Travis had never played TTR before and considering this was the 1st time we had Ever played the German version, it was REAL fun. Travis beat Kristin b-a-r-e-l-y (2 pts). And that was our day. 

You found the perfect picture to express your day of disc golfing!!
AND....I'm glad you didn't take your toys and go home. Not the sign of a true champion like you!! Next time you'll do much better.
It sucks that you can't watch the games, and I'm sure it doesn't make you feel any better that we get to see them all. It was a good game though!
I am glad you finished better than you started. It still sounds like it was fun. Good for you not to give up! I am proud of you... :)
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