I now have a date for when I am going to be induced, November 14th. 5 1/2 more weeks left. I just put it on the calender and almost started to cry. It is so long to wait, but at the same time I have nothing ready for when she comes (shop for clothes, buy Jason a new bedroom set, make her curtains, paint her room, buy a bassinet, etc). I guess I should not stress to much, it's not like she is going to be using her room for the first 4 months anyways. Such contradicting feelings.
I am glad things are moving along so smoothly though. Now if only I could gain some weight. I need to gain another 12 lbs to be in the healthy weight gain. Humm 2 lbs a week... wonder if I can do it. I think I should have played the biggest looser, but tried to gain the weight. We will see how I do.
Maybe I need to go up against Marley to prove Jason's my kid.
That makes me giggle-Will! Hang in there Kristin. :)
Michael had the same thought on the biggest loser. he wanted to play and gain weight. Marley would love for you to use her picture...I have a toddler bed if you would like to use it for Jason until you get another bedroom set. You are more than welcome to it.
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