I was pretty tired and didn't want to cook dinner. I had a coupon for hogi yogis so we went there. We then looked at games at the game store right next door (yeah there are a few more games that we both would like, haha, but is that really a surprise).
Next thing I know we are going mini-golfing at trafalga. How random is that. It was such a beautiful night that we just couldn't resist. We were a little unprepared and didn't bring a jacket for Jason, so he ended up with cold hands, but he had a great time too. Will and I would play and he would follow with his ball and club. The course that we went on was older, but we do have to give the course props for creativity.
The night ended in dip'n dots, which I loved. They were really inexpensive there, I was surprised. All in all it was a very fun random Tuesday night. Very uncharacteristic of us. I think we will have to do it again one of these days.
Aren't little unexpected adventures great!
And I forgot to comment yesterday...that I thought it was funny the only picture not included was one of Will actually using his bag on a course!! :)
That sounds like a fun evening! :)
Next time bring Jason over here and you and Will can have a date by your selves!!!!!!!!
Sometimes the best nights are the ones that aren't planned at all! Sounds like a great evening.
what a beautiful afgan on a precious boy! where did you get that for jason?
it's fun to be spontaneous.
I love the trafalga dip-n-dots. My office discovered them a few months ago...but I am going to have to resist for the nest 28 days.
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