Humm where to start. I guess I will start with the doctors appointment. I actually gained weight!! A lot too. I was so surprised, and happy. I made up for last week as well. I think it was all those cupcakes I ate on Sunday night.
Will went to the appointment with me, which was nice because we had to do an unexpected ultra sound. I am still measuring small, and did not grow from last week. Don't worry everything is ok. The baby is measuring 34 weeks instead of the 37 1/2 she should be. The doctor said that we just have small kids. If her head was measuring different from her body, then she would be worried, but she looks fine. She is 5 lbs 2 oz right now, and the doc said that she might even get to be 6 lbs when I have her. It was fun to be able to see Seirra's face. I know she is in there, but it is different seeing her.

Here was our inspiration for the costume. This is Dr. Lawrence. She is a really good doctor for me. She is the no nonsense, but still really nice about everything kind. We asked her if we could get a picture with Jason and her and she was so excited to do it. She then said, "Ok well we need to get you a mask, a surgeons hat, some booties, and something to put in your pockets" (tongue depressors, she even drew faces on them for Jason). She was so excited it was so funny. So Jason truly is a doctor, with all the trimmings.

For my appointments I have to lay down and they lift up my shirt to hear the heartbeat and to measure my belly. Well Jason always wants to do it to, so Will played doctor while we were waiting and listened to Jason's belly with his toy stethoscope. Jason was so excited and had Will listen for a good 5 min. He would get frustrated when he would stop. Silly kid!

Will entered me into a cake decorating contest at his work. It was Halloween themed of course and well this is what we came up with.

Will even got in on the action and helped create the house on top. I have to say this is my favorite cake that I have made so far. I love how it turned out and I usually don't say that about my own work.
There were 17 cakes entered in the contest. They all are so different. I would say that there are 4 or 5 cakes that have a really good shot at winning. There was a coffin made with modeling chocolate, a spider, and a mummy that all looked really cool.
We will find out who wins later today. All employees go through look at the cakes, vote, and eat the one they want. Although it was pretty sad, no one has touched my cake or the other good looking ones. I guess they are just afraid to cut into them. I really don't want to take home that much cake, yikes! Well I figure even if I don't win, it was still really fun to make!

Here is just a random picture I took at Will's work today while we were waiting to eat lunch.
Oh man what a cute little Dr you have in the family...hopefully he can bring in a Dr's income some day too!
And wow! That is a pretty good looking cake! You are a professional!!
Heather, our sister-in-law just had her twins last week. They weighed in at 5 lbs and 5 oz and 7oz. Crazy that Sierra is just the same size as them and they were born a month early. Great job on the cake. It does look delicious but I would be too scared to cut into it because it looks so nice.
He is such a cute kid! I love your cake:) I always love your cakes, but that one is awesome. We are trick-or-treating up here tonight if you guys want o come. Not that you don't have your own house to trick-or-treat at, but just thought I would throw out the invite!
I vote for yours!!!
I love Jason as a doctor! He is SOOO CUTE! :)
Your cake was sooo good. I wished you lived closer...I would hire you to make all my family's birthday cakes.
Of all the winnng cakes. I think I liked the spider, the mummy and yours but not so much the coffin. It just looked a bit sloppy. I must say Kristin has a talent in this.
I showed my student teacher Jason's videos. She thought he was so good looking and funny. I wonder if Sierra would look like him at all. Take care!
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