Here is an email from my mom. I guess i better set it up first. We went to the Rough Valley Family Fun Center (rvffc) where Mickie use to work. Colton just got laid off because he was not old enough to work at the company who took over Coplands. Colton was wearing a RVFFC sweatshirt and filled out an application (well Mickie filled it out).
Robbie, his boss told him he can't wear Mickie's RVFFC sweat shirt while he's not at work. He told him that was his only sweatshirt, so he has to buy another sweatshirt. He'll be making more than at Copeland's too. So it all worked out perfect, he was only out of a job for about a week and a half. It was just enough time to play with all his family during Christmas!
I laughed when I read what Will wrote back in response!
Good job Colton. What a stroke of genius Harvey had in changing the day we went!
Personally, I think that Mickie is just the master of working and talking at the same time. Thus everyone ends up talking to her and not working anymore. That, and she didn’t show up stoned or hung over – like, EVER.
I love the new setup! And the colored fonts were fun too.
So was it a dirty shirt you just took off? If it was then he was being helpful and thought he'd wash it for you! What a thoughtful little boy!
Yes, Mickie is the master at talking and working and listening all at the same time. I had many reports from teachers about this very topic as she was growing up. The problem...all the people she talks too, don't have the same talent.
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