Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sweet Boy

Last night Will and I were out shopping for either a new camera that takes better video then what we have now, or a camcorder. We still have not decided what to do. On one hand it would be nice to have a better digital camera with a faster recovery time, but we want to be able to take better quality videos now that we have a DVD recorder. But it is all a mess because if we buy a camcorder, then we will have to buy a DVD player for the computer so I can put stuff on the blog. So on and so on.

In our family we don't like to have wet open mouth baby kisses, so we give bonks (you know like in Finding Nemo). Anyways we were in the store and it was getting close to Jason's bed time. He was really getting tired of shopping so I picked him up. He gave me a big hug, held my face a gave me a bonk, he rested his forehead up against mine for a minute or so. It was the sweetest thing in the world. These are the times that make me melt and I know that having Jason has all been worth it.


Anonymous said...

You need to keep remembering those times when he comes home with a bad grade, or conveniently forgets to clean his room EVERYDAY. But yep, it's all worth it! Cause pretty soon they go from bonks to missions.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Money cannot buy the feeling of being hugged by a baby. I can feeeel it as I type this. Jason is such an affectionate boy. I am counting the days before your arrival.

Holly said...

Don't ya' just love those special moments? I loved it when Tyler used to tell me I was his "BEST MOMMY". :-)

Anonymous said...

You just made me cry.