We are back at home adjusting to the daily schedule again. Things here are not as fast paced as they are in Oregon. When we took Jason inside the house he was so happy! He was in his element again. He looked around and played until 11 when we finally put him in his crib.

While we were in Oregon Will commented to me how amazed he is that we use soap so fast. Well yes Will we all have pretty good hygiene skills by now. We went through 1 bar of soap in 1 week. I do have to admit that that is a lot of soap, but there were a lot of people.

Wow I missed a lot on the blogs. It took me an hour to get all caught up with people and their lives. I totally didn't get a say on where Bobbie should put her blog, but in the end I think she ended with a good server. I was surprised that even Jeremy (Bobbies husband) is getting into the spirit of bloging. Go Jeremy!

Jason was a pretty good traveler. He did get upset a few times and I did end up with squash all over me a few times, but we made it home all in one piece.

HD gave my dad a shirt that fits his personality perfectly! Haha he had to pose like this 3 times.
Looks like you guys had a LOT of fun. I thought it would take Jeremy a while to get the blogging thing down but he played with it ALL DAY yesterday! It's so cute.
I'm glad Jason likes being home, but we sure miss having him here!
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