Jason through his first tantrum yesterday. I was playing the piano with him and I was finished playing (it was 20 min of playing and i was tired of holding him). So Will put him on the ground, we turned it off and thats when he started to cry. He looked at us, sat down, laid down, then screamed. It was pretty amusing. He would look up at us every once in a while to make sure we got the point. Silly kid. He has done it a few times since then.

He is still only taking 3-5 steps at a time. He is getting a little more daring.

Yes it is an outlet protecter in his mouth.

Christmas morning.

When we got to Matt and Mickie's house after driving from Oregon. There house was freezing, so Mickie wrapped Jason up. He loved it and stayed in the blankets untill we left for our house.
I love the last picture, I bet it was sooo warm!
And he did love to look at himself in the side mirrior. : )
cute pictures!
Ahh, I remember Ty's first tantrum. I would love to tell you he has grown out of it, but it just comes in a different variation of them now. Love the pics-he's getting soo BIG! :-)
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