Friday, January 05, 2007


Set, set, set. That is all Will and I have on the brain these days. We learned how to play it in Oregon and have been playing ever since. I guess it is the kind of people that we are. It is a matching game on steroids. You have to get 3 matches, but you have to match color, shape, shade, and number. It is quite interesting.

It is very simple to learn, but hard to master. It is nice that Will and I are on the same skill level. Usually he creams me in all the games we play, but this one.

I coaxed Jason into taking another step last night. I held out a piece of chocolate and he walked a step for me. The kid loves sweets what can I say.


Anonymous said...

Apparently Collette Hokanson is obsessed with "Set" too! That's funny.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH... I'm addicted. It's easy to play in between calls or while I'm at home. THANKS!