Monday, October 22, 2007


I forgot to mention that the non-member kid in our Sunday school class got baptised on Saturday. We were so excited for him. They keep saying that he knew everything already and just needed to get baptized. Well yeah he has been coming to church for years. His parents are not members, so he just never got baptised.

It is cool what examples his friends are. He is a great kid.

When he was getting confirmed he never asked people to do it. So in sacrament meeting Will was putting on chap stick, when all of a sudden they were trying to get his attention to be in the circle. They announced his name in the microphone and everything. Everyone turned and was staring at him. Poor guy. Haha caught in the act of putting on chap stick. Will was more embarrassed about that then anything.

Mickie and a fun video of Jason wearing Matt's socks on her blog.


Anonymous said...

That is cool his parents let him get baptised. Maybe someday his parents will join him too.

Sorry Will, I guess you can be glad it was just putting on chapstick and nothing else more embarrassing....;)

Holly said...

That is neat about the little boy being baptized. At least Will wasn't picking his nose when they called on him. Cahp stick is much better than that! ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow chapstick and all!!!