Friday, October 19, 2007

Will's Surprise Entry: Yum

I just thought I'd write something short because Kristin is so great.
Honestly, I don't know of many wives who would make food for their husbands that revolts them. Kristin does this for me on a regular basis! Whether it is Salty Chicken, Adobo, Kalbi, Fish, or something I see in a magazine, she makes it anyway. Sure, I have to hear about how "Nasty!!!" it is, but it is usually well worth it.
That's a pretty big deal and I thought the world should know what a great person Kristin is.


Anonymous said...

Now that I feel quilty....FINE! I'll make icky, yucky, shepard's pie more often....blech!

Anonymous said...

You are right, I have never made bitter melon for dad. But than he never really asks for it. Kudos to Kristin!

Anonymous said...

She really is awesome. I make Jeremy make his own food when I don't like it! :-)

Holly said...

That is sweet...if I will not eat family will not either. ;)