Thursday, January 25, 2007


I must have been crazy when I chose this pattern. I have never made a quilt so hard in my life. Ok well the only quilts i have made are square blocks, so of course this is hard. This one square took me 45 min. Hopefully I will get faster as I sew more. 1 down 80 to go. Yikes! I don't think I will ever finish.

I know kids go throw a stage where they have the "gimmies," but Jason is in a stage right now where he has the "give yous." He has to give me every thing. While I am typing this I swear I have the whole alphabet in toy animals on my lap right now. What a sweet kid.

He has been battling something for the last day. He woke up last night several times, tossing and turning. I finally went in when he started to cry the hundredth time he got up last night. I picked him up and he was burning. I gave him some Tylenol and he is feeling a lot better today. I have never felt some one so hot before, it was crazy. His fever has broke, and he is back to his normal giving self. "Thank you"


Anonymous said...

That's usaully a sign that he wants your attention, he wants you to play with him.

I think the quilt square looks great. It will be well worth it when it's done, keep going!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is...I thought that the picture was of your quilt and not just a square of your quilt. Good luck with that... :)

Anonymous said...

Impressive Kristin! I have a quilt (or had, maybe mom has it now) on my bed in High School that Great Grandma Coombs made. Well she made all the squares but never finished it so mom finished it for me. It had a little girl on every square watering tulips. I loved that quilt.

Holly said...

The quilt is going to look sooo good! That is talent. Keep it up!

Like I said in my blog...that flu thing is going around. Hope he's feeling better soon. Those long nights can be VERY long. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

It turned out wayy good!!! ~Kenzie