Here are some pictures from the Sierra's baby blessing. My mom took these pictures, I didn't have my camera out all weekend. What a bummer.

I do have to say that I am a fan of Sierra in pink surrounded by the BYU blue.

Proud dad.

What a great big brother. I bet he was thinking "What camera do I look into?" There were a ton of cameras out taking pictures.
I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. :)
Dang Jason is so cute in that last picture... then i think about how sometimes he is such a stinker.. hmmm I think the cuteness out weighs the stinker times though.
Yep...definately cute kids!
And...Wahoo...some of my pics made the blog. Okay...I just figured out how to send them. I'm starting to like this new computer.
AND...I guess this is the way I blog, Bobbie. You'll just have to read comments to get tibits of Bragg life.
ah, the name of her blog is "Tidbits of Bragg Life". Nice.
Her little dress was so cute!
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