Ok before I show the pictures I am going to say that Will and I rented Spiderman 3 and about die of boredom. Sorry to those who liked it, but oh man it was hard to sit through.

I have been asked by a few people to show a picture of Sierra and Jason when they were the same age. Well here it is.

I want to say that they look pretty similar. Sierra has a wider nose and lips. I think her tongue is way huge, because she never keeps it in her mouth. Yeah her tongue is sticking out.
WOW! I thought they would look different. Why, I am not sure... They are both gorgeous in their own right. :) Thanks for helping me with the marshmellow guns. My boys can be pretty persistent. ;)
They do look a lot a like. I didn't think they looked like each other as much. That's cool, because Jason is a cute kid!
I'm just glad she's in a pink blanket (see last entry). Sheesh!
I can see it now - king and queen of prom. Different years of course. They look adorable.
I really thought they looked different.......boy was I wrong! Cute kids:)
Matt still doesnt think they look anything alike. He says you gotta get a picture with their eyes open then you'll really see the difference. They are both cute though that is for sure.
I wasn't a huge fan of the spider man movie either. And just for the record, I really liked Enchanted too. I thought maybe I was the only one.
The pictures are cute.
Thanks for inviting us to the blessing. Sierra is a doll. You guys have a great looking family.
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