The random events that happened this week...

Sierra's first bath. She did pretty well with it. She cried a little, but I think she will enjoy taking them after the first few.
Will gave Jason a piece of candy and I asked him to say thank you. All of a sudden Jason said "Thank you very much." Where the heck did he pick that up. We were all pretty amazed.

My mother was playing with Jason. Running around and well the phone rang. She picked it up and did not switch mind sets. All of a sudden she said "AHH BOO, (laughing) I mean hello." We all died. It was some lady from the ward. She said that my mom sounded like a fun grandma, haha.

Now Jason is still not getting the whole fingers out of the mouth thing, but it is some what registering. He stuck his fingers in his mouth, looked at my mom, said "out", and then took them out. Humm at least he knows it is something we don't want him to do. Now we have to work on the follow through.

Last but not least Sunday night we had a birthday dinner for my grandma at Art and Mickey's house. It was great fun seeing everyone and introducing Sierra.
I wish we could have been there! I am so excited to come on Wednesday! :)
She is adorable. It was great to see you all last night!
Will, Check out my parent's blog. (Grandma and Grandpa Ware) Taylor posted the final play video from Youtube.
See you in a few!!!!
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