- Seeing Baylee now that she is 3 months old. What a huge difference 3 months makes in a baby.
- I was told that Will played an awesome game of football with the family.
My dad and Jason put together the new bunk beds. Jason was more of a hinder then a help. My poor dad got whacked in the head a few times with the boards.
- Of course eating dinner (1:00) with a ton of my family. Although if you ask Suzanne "Pie is not dinner." We ate pie at 5:00. Haha
- Eric complimented me on my pies. I think they all turned out pretty well. Ok my mom's pie was interesting. It was peach, but she didn't have enough peaches, so she put some pears in it as well. She said that it got some compliments and Will responded that "Asking what kind of pie it was did not count as a compliment." You have to love his one liners.
We went bowling and had to chase down Jason the whole time. It got pretty tiring, but I think he had a good time.
- Ok Will and I need to really get out more. We saw Enchanted and we thought it was so funny. Everyone else suffered through it.
- My mom racing. Typing it out won't do it justice. As we were driving home my mom looked into the car next to us. She then pretty much challenged the guy to a race. We took off and he won of course. Then we caught up at another red light. She whipped out her running gloves and started to put them on. The chick in the passenger seat was dying of laughter. I have a crazy mom.
- Shopping with my dad on black Friday. I bought some "Cars" for Jason at half off. Wahoo.
- Hanging out and playing the Wii. That Baseball game got me sore. I was really getting into it. Too bad I don't have very good timing.
- The boys having a marshmallow fight in the backyard. Art and Eric really were getting into it. It is a fun excuse to pelt your boys with marshmallows. (Sorry Ray and Linda)
Optimus Prime getting Jason to eat his pizza. Will and I could not get him to eat. What a great Uncle Matt he has.
- We blessed Sierra on Saturday morning. Sorry to those we did not invite. We wanted to keep it low key and small.
- Will during the blessing could not remember Sierra's middle name. He had to ask me what it was. Grandpa Coombs leaned over after and said that that kind of stuff should not happen to a young guy like him.
- I was stressing out in the middle of everything because I lost the BYU Utah football tickets. No I still have not found them.
- Will and I snuk into the game with the help of Matt and Mickie. We were deceptive, but we have tickets some where. If you are wondering how, here is the story. To get back into the game you have to have your hand stamped. Matt got his hand stamped. He then went back to some one else and asked for another stamp because it was coming off. He then took a rubber football they had given him and put it on the hand stamp. The wet ink transferred quite nicely to Will's hand and then he did the same thing for me. We were able to walk in without any problems.
- The game was so good and keep us all on the edge of our seats till the very end. BYU came out victorious in the end, but Utah really gave them a run for their money.
- We hung out with Will's family for a bit before we had to head back home.
My family hanging out watching the BYU basketball game. Yes my dad is ironing his traveling shirt.
- Britany and I went shopping with the gift cards she received. We had a great time picking out new winter outfits for Baylee. I think she is going to be nice and toasty warm this winter.
- I was ganged up on by the Relief Society Women. Everyone wanted to see Sierra. They even lined up to see her. It was so bizarre. It was interesting that I got quite a bit of people asking me if she was early. I replied that she was just 2 days early and they were surprised.
- Oh and my favorite memory of the weekend. Sister Bradford (old primary president) came up to Will and asked him if he was having fun with Sierra. Will's response was "Fun? I don't think that your memory of a newborn is the same as what I am going through." He cracks me up.
Then it was off to hang out with Will's family again. We are looking forward to spending more time with them during Christmas.
Great memories! The only thing I will add is that I finally won the car race, because the other guy picked the wrong lane...mahahahaha!
So fun! Jeremy loves your kids. I seriously can't believe how much fun he had with them. He would laugh every time he picked up the baby because she's so small.
It was a FUN weekend! Sorry about the 'hair' comments during the movie. ;) Yes, your pies rocked it! I probably gained 2 pounds from your pies and Steph's cake. :)
What a fun weekend! I'm glad we all have such happy and varied memories. I thought the movie was cute enough, just turn your brain off cute!
Jason looks like he's ready for some football. Looks like I missed the party.
Love the will quotes, quite funny
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