A quick update on how Sierra is doing. We went to the doctor yesterday and after 2 weeks the child is suppose to have just gained back their birth weight. Ok well not only has she gained it back she is now 6 lbs 6 oz! She has almost gained a pound since being born. (I guess my mom was right and that I was starving her.)
She also has grown length wise. She was 17 inches when she was born, and now she is 19 1/4". Man she is growing fast!!

This is when we hung out with the Wu's during thanksgiving. Yes it is weird to be holding 2 kids.

Will likes to call Sierra "Little bundle" he has interesting nick names for our kids. When Jason was younger he called him "Boy boy." You have to love the quirkiness of Will.
Hey!!! That nickname was between Bundle and I. Just kidding, but I don't write about your sleep-mothering! Oh wait . . .
Okay, maybe if she keeps growing that much, you can let her play with J.D....hahahaha!
Actaully, it will be fun for her to have "cousins" so close in age. I know Jason loves Parker and Brighton.
WOW she is growing like a weed! That is great. :) I like funny knicknames-it keeps it FUN!
Love the pic of the Wu family. :)
Cute pictures! After awhile it really doesn't seem weird to hold two. For awhile, when they both wanted to be held all the time, there were times it felt weird if I was not holding two:) Memories!
I bet grandma and grandpa Wu are loving their grandbabies - they're so cute!
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