I just thought I'd been pretty quiet since Sierra's birth. Life is pretty different nowadays. I'm a creature of routine and I haven't really figured things out with this one yet. I already knew things would be different (courtesy of the Maxwells), but I wonder when I'll get used to this little one.

She's a pretty good kid so far. Very happily eating and sleeping all day. I'm glad she's a good eater. I guess it's a natural consequence, but she's a good pooper as well. Yesterday I changed 4 poopy diapers in an hour and a half (Jason's and hers).

I'd say Jason has handled her pretty well. He really enjoys holding her and I think I let him get away with a lot that Kristin doesn't. Maybe Kristin will post some pictures that I have taken lately.
Anyway, just thought I'd write a short bit.
Thank you for the up-date. Since you are a hands-on dad, you'll have much to adjust to. I am glad that Jason is not jealous so far. See you all in a few days.
I love hearing a Dad's perspective to a new little one in the house. :)
The pictures are way cute!
You guys seem to be adjusting just fine:) I will admit though, it is a lot more fun in a couple years when they are playing together!
There's nothing like a big brother looking over you. They're so cute.
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