It seems that the Spence Blog and ours go hand in hand. As many of you are already aware, we had baby Sierra yesterday.

Not that there's anything wrong with Mickie's blog, but here's ACTUALLY what happened . . .
Kristin started having contractions Sunday evening. They felt like the usual Braxton-Hicks, but they were getting coming in closer series. By 4AM, they were coming 2.5 minutes apart. At that point Kristin thought we better start packing and call Mickie/Matt. So we did that and waited for them. Apparently, the body liked sitting down and the contractions went back to being 5 min apart. We figured they would just send us home if we went home with those so we tried going back to sleep (after apologizing profusely to Matt/Mickie for coming all the way down). Needless to say, discomfort followed trying to sleep so I think Kristin and I ran on 3 hrs sleep yesterday.
When we "woke up", Kristin was still in a lot of discomfort? so we went to the hospital while Mickie/Matt took Jason to Kneaders. We were hoping that since we were so close to "Inducing Day" that they would take pity on her and find some way to have it then. Well, she was dilated to a 4-5 (10:30AM) and in less graphic terms - "Ready to Burst". We were very, very happy and that's when we started to make the calls (Sorry if we missed anyone).
Kristin was a nurse's dream. She tends to be pretty stoic when she's in pain. The nurses kept saying how great she was and asking if she "really" was having a baby. By 11:30, I was guessing that Sierra would be out by by 4, but Kristin was thinking around 6, the same as Jason. Well, Dr. Lawrence came in and said she'd probably be out in an hour or hour and a half. Boy, that was a surprise.
12:20 came around so quick that we (I) didn't even get bored. Kristin started feeling the tiniest urge to push so the nurse went to get the doctor. It was a tense 2 minutes where Kristin wanted to push but was told not to. To conclude: Dr came in told Kristin to give 2 small pushes and then after one big one it was over. Baby came out completely healthy - 5lbs 8oz, 17 inches. She probably should have weighed more, but she peed before her initial weighing. Yeah, Kristin just makes little babies.
For those who have had hard deliveries or are predicting them, you will probably read further . . . but you've been warned! This delivery went by even easier than Jason's. Kristin and I were both shocked. The night-before wasn't very pleasant, but the actual delivery went so smooth. Kristin's body just got ready really fast. No tearing, no epidural, no screaming, heck I don't even think that Kristin really broke a sweat. I didn't even have the camera since Kristin told me to leave it in the car and get it around lunchtime. We were done at lunch and wondering what to do with the rest of the day.

While they were cleaning her up and stuff, Matt/Mickie, Jason, and I went disc golfing and took naps. We went back to visit in the evening with Suzanne/Nate to introduce Jason to his new little sister. We're pretty sure he's not very aware of his new situation. He didn't seem very interested at first. Then he thought he ought to poke her, but that didn't sit too well with the parental unit. We told him to give kisses and that's all he wants to do now. Lots of kisses. So we'd say it was a successful 1st encounter. 

Kay is driving over today. We'll probably take Jason over to the Kangaroo Zoo today. He was supposed to go during Sierra's "10 hr delivery", but she messed with those plans. We laugh because she's already intruding on his fun. Anyway, we'll probably visit Kristin soon. If it weren't for AFLAC paying us $500 for everyday she spends in the hospital, she probably could have come home with us last night. Oh well, I just miss her (and the "other" her). It just doesn't feel like my family is intact at the moment.
One last thing: It's pretty weird, but Sierra has blonde highlights! you'll have to enlarge the picture, but she definitely has blonde highlights all over!

Congratulations!!!!! As if you havent' heard it enough from me. :) Can't wait to meet this new gal next week. Glad that Kristin is doing well!
Not fair Kristin! I mean I never had it bad, but holy cow! Lucky girl! Congratulations.
It was great to hear that all went so smoothly. Can't wait to see you all in person, Sierra included, of course, soon. Thanks to Matt and Mickie for standing guard and we didn't have much to concern.
CONGRATS! I can't wait to snuggle her! :)
Great birth story, congrats you guys!
Melissa Spence
Congrats! I can't believe we just saw you Sunday and there were just 3 of you and now there are 4!!! YAY!!!
Congrats! It's so sad to think that little Uno is probably not much smaller than her. Oh my.
Can't wait to see her and check out these blond highlights. Please let us know if we can help at all!
Congrats!!! Heard the news from my mom yesterday. She is really cute! Glad to hear mom and baby girl are doing well. I hope my kid comes out as easy. I probably won't be as lucky. See you next week!
Congrats to you both! She's beautiful. :-) What a sweet little family you have!
I see both mom and daughter are beautiful. Is it too early to start working on the next one?
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