Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I have a correction to make on Kristin's entry. The reason why I rated it a 47% instead of a 50% is because both loaves of bread were smashed in the process of shipping and handling (aka: the bagger and Will). Kristin has already designated the smashed portion to Will as his piece though. That way we don't have to live with smashed bread. Just him. (She's nuts...) Also, I got a Multigrain donut at Krispy Kremes. It's healthier right? LOL. Lastly, Kristin forgot that she got her toes done yesterday. The request was a giraffe. That's a first. Well we took of picture of how they turned out. We were thinking of a painting party sometime in Sept. Any ideas on what else we could do while I use my creative genius painting skills (I wish I was that good...lol).

47% successful

Yesterday was the start of a busy week. I am trying to get the house ready for Britany's baby shower and well it is an excuse for me to get stuff done that I have been needing to. Suzanne and I washed the couch covers, water bed sheets, made lemon bars (for Will's work), did a cross word puzzle, and made dinner. Terribly exciting I know.

So we then went out on a shopping trip to quicksilver, burlington coat factory, krispy kream, and maceys. The first 2 stores we couldn't find what we wanted, but the last 2 were successful. Hence the 47%. Oh the percentage went down because all of a sudden Suzanne looked over at Jason and he had a bloody nose. That's what he gets for sticking his finger up there. She was kind enough to clean him up while I was renting a steam cleaner.

The night ended in a great family activity (minus Jason) of steam cleaning the floor down stairs. It took 2 hours, and we finished pretty late 11:15, but it was all worth it. It is not a professional job, but it does look tons better. Hurray for clean carpets!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Don't worry... we know what to do!

Kristin and I have finally decided that the species of spider that has found its home in the Wu house is a Wolf Spider. Here is a little info on the spider. Venom toxicity - the bite of the Wolf Spider is poisonous but not lethal. Although non-aggressive, they bite freely if provoked and should be considered dangerous to humans. The bite may be very painful. First aid and medical attention should be sought as soon as possible, particularly as to children or the elderly. Don't you guys worry though. We read up on how to take care of a wolf spider bite. Basically act like the limb is broken and put it in a splint. Then call the ambulance. (They specifically said not to transport the victim yourselves.) Oh and then catch the spider. They say that it is for identification purposes, but lets get real here. We could be smart and just let it keep roaming around biting other people too.


Lets see. Friday night Will gave Suzanne and I a break and watched Jason while we went out to see a dollar movie and he finished Harry Potter. Now we knew we just wanted to get out and went to see Miss Potter with out knowing anything about it. Let me tell you that we have the worst luck with movies there. Alone we have seen 2 movies at that theater and both of them have rabbits in them. The first was that Wallace and Gromit movie and now Miss Potter. We both didn't like either of the movies. Humm maybe next time we wont see a rabbit movie.
Saturday was disc golf, dinner, disc golf, and baby shower preparation. I think that the shower is going to be a fun one. Then again my sisters and I are planning the games, so it actually might be lame, you never know.
Will and I headed up to one of our friends houses for dinner on Sunday. It was a fun hanging out and talking to them. Now that she is pregnant we all have so much more to talk about.
We came home and played scatigories with Suzanne. If you are wondering cactus is considered a fruit and a vegetable. It depends on what part you are eating. I won that point, thanks Matt :) But after we found this huge scary spider. Suzanne and I are going to look it up later today. We have found a few of them hanging around the house and want to know if they are poisonous. They sure do look scary to me. (My hero, Will, killed it for me. It wasn't a "herd" of them, it was just one.)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Will's Entry: Primary Story

I was reading Bobbie's entry about Harry Potter and how everybody dies . . . and it brought back a funny memory.
It was back when I was playing piano in Primary (Ahhh, the days). We were learning about the Resurrection and Sister Baker was telling about one of her relatives passing away and being resurrected someday. Well all the kids started jumping in with "My Grandpa died!" or "My neighbor's dead."
Eventually a little 4 yr old genius-boy pipes up with an air of authority during a lull in the action - "We're ALL going to die." Coincidentally his mom was his teacher and her reaction was priceless.
Well I hope I haven't already written this on the blog somewhere. If so, oh well, I wanted to make sure that I recorded this for posperity's sake.


I definitely can not top yesterdays blog, so I am not going to even try. Today is going to be kinda boring.

All I have to say is that the terrible 2's has hit early. Hopefully they don't last a terribly long time. Jason is now into throwing fits. When he doesn't get his way (which is quite often), he finds something if it is the floor or the fridge and smacks his head into it. I know it is a usual reaction for kids, but it scares me some times.

I hope he will grow out of it soon. Poor Suzanne, I know know why she is going to live with Matt and Mickie and not us. I don't think I would want to deal with him every night either. (Ok really Matt and Mickie's is just closer to her internship)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Suzanne videos

I told Suzanne that she was high. I happen to be sitting on a higher chair then her and so she told me that I was higher. She then proceeded to lay down on the floor and roll around. If you don't catch it she is telling me that she is even lower then Jason. (humm not high, riiiight!)

This is the same story she told me multiple times. I loved the face that she used every time. It fit so perfectly. She is trying to take the tape off her arm so that she could make a napkin ball for Jason. She throw it at him. Can you see why she scared Jason???

I love this video the best. You will just have to see why...

What a day

First off before I will get into the whole Suzanne wisdom teeth thing, last night a lady in the ward was dropping off invitations to not one of her sons wedding, but 2 sons weddings. They are getting sealed 10 days apart. Holy cow. That is a lot of work for her, I wish her the best. You will also have to forgive me for not blogging yesterday I had a LOT to deal with.

Ok so on to Suzanne... She did really well with the whole thing. She was scared, but really was a brave soul. I think I was more nervous for her then she was. Then again my mom always sends me my siblings to get teeth out when I am pregnant, so of course I am more emotional.

She has been a real trooper even when the pain meds wore off.

Now as for her actions It is not the oral sedation that makes you crazy. She took nothing and was high as a kite. Now I was a sad high person, HD was kinda angry, Mickie was just goofy but calm, and Suzanne well she was silly and high energy. It was a good thing that I brought Will with me. He wasn't originally going to go, but I thought it might be hard to get both Suzanne and Jason in and out of the car getting prescriptions and Jamba juice's. I was right. Even with Will there I still lost Suzanne in walmart and she tried to get out of the moving car.

She told me the same story about 10 times and every time she told it she told it the same way faces, voice, and everything. It was crazy. We got out to the car and she would not put on her seat belt, she constantly scared Jason, she rolled on the floor at both Jamba juice and walmart, She keep trying to take a ball away from Jason, and she keep trying to get out of the car when it was moving. I mean it was crazy. I now see why my mom sends them my way for this kind of stuff.

I have a ton of videos that I took of Suzanne, but some are quite crazy so I will see which ones she wants me to post when she wakes up. They will come later in the day. The funny thing is that she doesn't remember hardly anything about the morning. So when she actually sees what she did, she is going to die. I have been keeping her pretty drugged, but it is nothing compared to yesterday morning.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Yesterday was a day for appointments. I had one and so did Suzanne. Mine everything is going well, and Suzanne just had to have the dentist look at her teeth before she gets them out tomorrow.

I am quite sad that she will not be able to have the oral sedation that made Mickie and me crazy. Sorry probably no videos. I guess there is something about having nothing in your stomach when you are put under general anesthesia. He said that he wouldn't do it to his own children. So she won't act all crazy and try to say "hi" to a toy truck. Bummer. I am sure she will do just fine. He said that he would really crank up the laughing gas for her, so she won't notice the needle. What is up with all of us Braggs being severely afraid of needles. Hummmm.....

It was a super hot day yesterday and Jason sweats a lot. This kid can poor down sweat in no heat at all. Suzanne just decided to help fix his hair for him.

I have been having problems listening to Suzanne lately. Yeah I really am not this bad, but when we were at the store she told me that she hated carrots, so I got an extra 2 carrots to put in the stir-fry (didn't she just say that she liked them). She also said rent the movie Breech, it was a good movie. She then told me it was like the pelican brief and that it was suspenseful but no real action. Yeah so by the end I asked her where all this action was. Hopefully today I will be able to listen a little better.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Teeth and fortnights

Hi, Suzanne again. I guess I am just bored because I am making another one of these blog entries. Well last night Kristin and I were playing a game called Triominos. It's a pretty lame game. After two rounds of Kristin beating me, I was done with it anyways. So I tried my luck at another one. Racko. That one was much better (given I won that one twice, so we are tied 2-2). It had these very interesting facts on each card that made for a great time. I remember a couple of the cards like the longest game in minor league baseball history is 33 innings, 51% of all diamonds come from Africa, the average adult human (or me in this case) has 32 teeth, and lastly a fortnight has 14 days in it!

So the first story. Kristin only has 24 teeth in her mouth. If you count them in the picture there are only twelve up there and her wisdom teeth are gone. I still have my wisdom teeth (until Wednesday so look forward to that blog entry I am sure it will be a good one with the video coverage) so I have 32 teeth. 24! Seriously. Count them... it's true.

Also, I was going through and reading the cards and we got to a fortnight. I had no idea what it was and so Kristin told me. It's not 7 days its 14 days. I said I could read that but what is a fortnight. She said it's not one week it's two weeks. Well obviously because it is fourteen days. Finally she got around to telling me that it was a way to measure time. Goodness.

Harry Potter, Disc Golf

I live a relatively boring life with the same routine every day pretty much. It bored Suzanne to tears on Friday. She was so amazed that the fun activity for me on Friday was going to wal-mart with Will to get some essentials. Will and I are an old married couple, come on.

We did how ever wake Jason and Will up (oh and he was a real peach to take care of, I hope you sense the sarcasm in that) and buy the new Harry Potter book. Will was so excited to get it and he is already almost half way finished. Dang he is a quick reader. I was going to race him, but after the first day he was already 100 pages in and I had not even started it, I gave up.

So if we were not exhausted enough from staying up till 1 am getting the book, we decided to wake up and enter Will into the disc golf tournament they held in Sandy. Will had a great time tromping around in the heat. Suzanne, Jason, and I hung around, but we also spent a lot of time at the wal-mart near the park. It was weird I am so use to talking when ever I want and what ever, but since it was a serious tournament we were suppose to be quiet when they throw. I really didn't get the hint. Poor Suzanne had to tell me to be quiet quite a few times.

Will did great. He entered as an amature and ended up in the leading pack the second round. He tied for second place, but because of a scoring error he ended up getting a 2 stroke penalty which put him in 5th place. What a bummer, but now we know. I think even though he didn't win and got the penalty he will probably still do another tournament again. He had fun, and I bet Matt would have a great time too.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Eating Soap

So I (Suzanne) decided that I am going to try out this little blog thing for a second. Really I just need to explain this video of me. So we were talking at lunch and Will got excited that he could throw away the old soap and get a new "flavor." I was really confused on how a soap could be different flavors. They are different smells but flavors? I thought they all just have a flavor of nasty. (I am right about the nasty.) So Will said well I guess if we tasted them and they are different then they have different flavors. So I decided instead of wondering we would put the theory to the test. (highly not recommended!)

Also we were goofing around with the camera and this is the product of it. Kristin and I are obviously not beautified yet. We had a good time though. This first one is really creepy of Jason. He does look a little possessed (look at our faces in the background).

The next one was Jason taking a picture with me. Kristin pushed him into the picture and that's what came of it. The next picture I told him to get in the picture with his mom, he went straight to her boob. Odd kid. I wish I got a picture of that one, but he moved away to quickly.

This one is just a picture that Jason and I unknowingly made the same face for. I don't really know how it happened, but we even have our noses scrunched the same way... weird.
So apparently there is something really frightening over where they are looking. the funny thing is they are looking in my direction. hummm. This was not staged either. Kristin was really just making that face when the picture was taken and we can't remember why. Jason is just naturally like his mom, a dork.

4 years

Yesterday was Will and my 4th year anniversary. Yes and I spent it sick. After reading my blog Will called me at about 10 and asked if he would be any help at home. It was so wonderful having him home for the day. I spent most of the day sleeping while he took care of Jason. I feel a tons better today, and actually was able to eat some breakfast. He also gave me another part to the calender that is on the fridge, so now I can schedual things for a month in advance with out having to remember it. Wahoo!

I did finally get dressed at about humm 5 PM and went to a softball game of Will's that I wish I hadn't. I am just glad that Suzanne had arrived and was able to help me watch Jason. He was a good kid for the most part. Will's team won the game by a lot. There were a ton of errors that let them take home pretty much every other play. It was crazy. Suzanne still wishes that she could have played. I heard the whole time, "I would be an all-start on this team," or "They don't know the rules do they." Some guy as he was running home kicked the ball foul and they didn't call him out.

We are sad Matt and Mickie are gone for the weekend to Arizona, but we do have Suzanne to hang out with us.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Still a Mom

Dang you really don't get a break from being a mom even if you are sick. Will went to work and I am home trying to entertain Jason for the day. I have not been able to eat anything since Tuesday night, and when I do its not so good. Last night was the worst and I am hoping that what ever I have will pass very soon. I think we are going to have to watch a lot of movies today.

The house is a wreck and Suzanne is coming to stay with us for a little over a week to get her wisdom teeth out, then she is going to move in with Matt and Mickie. She is suppose to come tonight.

So yesterday we "decorated" cupcakes. Wow that was an adventure. I found some small candies that we have around the house including yogo's and we put them on the cupcakes. I think if we did that again we would do it after lunch. The kids ate more candy for lunch then anything. I don't think any candy made it on Jason's cupcake :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Funny pics

Last night Matt and Mickie came over for the Harry Potter class. Let me tell you that that was the most boring I have been to yet. She had great ideas, but i just didn't feel well, so the smell made me so sick. There were also a ton of kids, which is fine, but they did nothing to gear it towards them. Last years was a lot better.

Matt ended up watching Jason and they went for a LONG walk. Jason really enjoys hanging out with Matt. They even ran into some horses, which made Jason very nervous. They were fenced in. I guess the horse really liked Jason and wanted to follow him as long as he could. It was fine until the horse stopped to eat and realized that Jason had walked further a head. The horse trotted over to where Jason was and that freaked him out.

Here are some funny pics of yesterday.
Jason is discovering his body... Ouch.
I can't believe that he actually fell asleep like that.
He was very patent with me yesterday when I was writing the blog.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Blatter what??

Ok that back story... Sunday I was walking in from church and all of a sudden my undies were wet. I didn't have to go to the bathroom and it was a weird thing that happened. I thought that I lost some of the amnionic fluid. I called the doctor (on a Sunday night, I felt so bad), and we were scheduled for an ultrasound appointment to make sure that there was enough fluid for the baby to move in. Everything turned out fine. I was very relieved.

So what ended up happening was called a bladder spasm. Yeah, in other words I peed on myself and didn't know it. What the heck I didn't even sneeze. I guess it is a very common problem that women think there water has broken, but in actuality they just peed on themselves. How embarrassing. Well at least I know what other signs to look for.

The kids and I went to see a movie at the dollar theater. It was the bridge to terabithia. Ok what a sad depressing movie that is. In the middle of the movie the little girl dies. It was like my girl. I think that my hormones are kicking in and I cried a little. I do have to admit that the other day when we watched cars I cried then too. What stupid reasons to cry.

So we walked in to the theater and there was no one in there. We watched the movie all by ourselves. Haha they only made a dollar fifty off of us. It was a nice thing that it was only us, Jason is still not old enough to go to the movies. He ran up and down the isles and in between the seats. I think we will try again when rattatuee goes to the dollar theater. He really likes watching cgi shows.

It was dreadfully hot and after the movie we went to get Burger King and had a picnic at Wills work. Yeah what was I thinking I don't know. I thought it would be fun. We all were pretty hot and miserable sitting out side. Next time I will pick a cooler day to have a picnic. Do you see the sweat pouring off Jason?

Ok ok I am almost done with the blog today. One more strange thing that happened last night. At about 9 pm 2 of our boys from our primary class showed up at our door. The just came to say hi. How odd was that. It was a good thing that I actually had a bra on. Yeah I was in my PJ's. We talked to them for a few min and then Will said that we had to go. I would have thought that they would have hated me by now. I am pretty humm strict in class and even put them boy girl boy girl last Sunday. I am still baffled why they came to say hi...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Power outage

Friday as I am in the middle of baking these wonderful ribs the power went out. How dare it. I had to save them for the next day. The power ended up being out from 4:45 till 8:45. Yeah, lets just say that it was a good thing that Will and I had plans to go out. We ended up getting pizza and then went golfing with Matt and Mickie. We handed off Jason to them and Will and I went to a drive in. I really liked the Die Hard movie, but Fantastic 4 was terrible. It was WAY WAY to corny for me.

Other then that it was a pretty peaceful weekend. Oh and Matt did have his fun tying up Jason.

When Will and Jason watch TV don't they look the same. They both have there mouths open and have blank stare going on. Silly boys.

Jason's new thing is to talk on the phone. He will pick it up and talk for a very short amount of time. He gets pretty tired of it quick, but I swear he says "Hi, How you doing." Not so much in this video, but other times he says it. I have to hide the camera from him or then all he will want to do is look at pictures I have taken, so that's why he gets all excited at the end. He found it.

Friday, July 13, 2007


It is again time for the Noni season of softball. It is a very short season of only 4 weeks. Each time they play they play 2 games. Will went out and bought a mitt, so now he is ready anytime.

Sorry Suzanne there was a discrepancy when only 7 players from Wills team returned for the second game. They tried to pull a random person from the audience and they were not allowed to play. Employees only. The girl in charge was pretty mean about it, I mean come on 7 players. In the out field there was only Will and one other guy. That's a lot of field to cover! They both did a great job anyways. Will even made a few impressive catches out there.

Will did pretty good for not really playing softball. He is a quick learner, but how hard is it to hit a slow pitch softball. I guess I really shouldn't say anything, I haven't touched a ball since high school. I am probably horrible by now. He was able to get on base about 50% of the time.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


What a blahh day outside today. It is all dark and has been raining. Yuck!

Yesterday was sprinklers and a movie. Will and I watched Cars with Jason last night as we were reading. It was pretty funny that the movie doesn't even phase me, so I continued to read. Will on the other hand watched practically the whole thing. He told me that he didn't remember most of it, so we finished even after Jason went to bed. It was funny at one point I wish I had my camera out. Jason and Will watch movies with the same open mouth face. Like father like son I guess.

Poor Will gets no rest when he gets home from work. I do have to say this time it was his fault! If you wanted to relax and have a toddler, you don't lay on the ground, lol.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ice Cream

Out of all the recipes of ice cream that I tasted these 2 were my favorite (the chocolate more so then the vanilla). The different thing about the vanilla was that you actually whipped the cream and then added the rest of the ingredients, weird, but good.

Vanilla Ice Cream

3 c sugar
1 can evaporated milk
2-3 T lemon juice
3 c whipping cream, whipped
1/4 t salt
2 T vanilla
5 c whole milk

Whip the cream and set aside. Mix the rest of the ingredients (you can also add in any fruits or nuts), then fold in the whipped cream. Freeze in the ice cream maker.

Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream

1-2 c toasted chopped almonds
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 t salt
2 t vanilla
2 1/3 c sugar
2 1/3 cans evaporated milk
3 c cream
4 c whole milk
2 sq semi-sweet chocolate melted, or Hershey's chocolate syrup to taste

Beat the eggs until think. Add 1/2 of the sugar. Beat well. Gradually add chocolate, beating constantly so mixture won't flake. Add the rest of the sugar and additional ingredients except almonds. Pour in ice cream maker and freeze. When almost finished add the almonds and finish freezing.


Not much to report on except for the subject of food. There was a Chinese restaurant that opened up 2 min from our house. We were super excited because currently we drive all the way down to Provo to Saigon Cafe. It is pretty far to just get Chinese food, but we really like it.

As we ordered food from the "Rice Wok" that was suppose to be authentic, the guy was really nice and even gave Jason a Chinese candy. That was pretty nice of him. We took the food home and well I guess authentic is used pretty liberally. It was more like panda express then anything. Needless to say we both were pretty disappointed. Isn't that funny that I would be complaining about a non-authentic Chinese place. Will and I have decided that if the restaurant name has: panda, golden, rice, dragon, or wok in the name then they really aren't authentic and they are Americanized.

The other food subject I was going to talk about was Ice cream. Last night I went to another class at Maceys. I have to say I like those classes because I can actually taste the recipes that they prepare. So last night was a homemade ice cream class. I really am not a fan of homemade Ice cream, but there were a few recipes that were so good. I wish you all could have been there to taste them. By the end of the night we had sampled 8 different ice cream products and I was feeling pretty sick of sugar. Humm I think I just might have to buy another ice cream maker so I can make some of these recipes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Will's Entry: Forgotten Items

Before I left work today, I thought I'd write about a few things that got left out of the latest blog entries.

  • So on Saturday we were all lying around the pool, pretty much relaxing until we were to decide to leave. Jason wasn't done playing so he decided to wander off. All of us decided to just let him go and watch and see how far he'd go before he'd come back. Well, 20 ft, then 30 ft, then 50 ft, around 75 ft we decided that was far enough (plus he'd rounded a bathroom corner) - Matt went to follow him. Around the same time we see a lifeguard walking very briskly after him. She beat Matt to him (she was a lot closer) and asks Jason, "Hello, where are your parents??" Needless to say, Jason just looked at her with a "What are you bothering me for?"- face. Right then, Matt steps in and says that he's being watched. It was amusing, but no . . . the story doesn't end there. The rest will be told using the play-by-play that I was telling Kristin and Mickie as I was standing up and watching while they were sitting down.

"Well it looks like he's not done swimming . . . he's going in (it's one of those that slopes in like the beach) . . . looks pretty happy . . . ohh, he's sitting down . . . he's going to lie down??? . . . ohhhhh, he's drowning . . . it's OK, Matt's got him"

Ladies and Gentlemen, the loud thud you heard was of my mother fainting. It wasn't really that bad because Matt's pretty quick. Jason's realizing that he doesn't like to dunk his face.

  • Kristin has made 2 delicious dinners in a row.
  • Jason is learning how to jump. Currently he definitely has the jumping skills of a Bragg woman.
  • Lastly, he's learned to say "Owwww!" He sounds really cute when he says it. I bumped his head taking him out of his carseat yesterday and he says Owww now. Well, no hiding it from Kristin now.

Bowling and Games

So this might be a longer entry, but I don't know. I know I had a lot to say yesterday, but you know how that goes when you go to bed and forget everything.

We had Jason's 18 month appointment yesterday. We took Kailye and it turned out pretty well. I think Kailye got a kick out of it because the doctor "showed" Jason what she was going to do on him to Kailye (I wonder if that sentence even made any since). Well she got a kick out of it and so did Jason. At the end of the appointment Jason had to get a shot. It really wasn't that bad this time. I actually held his hands and he got a superman band aid. Kailye told me after "Maybe next time when I go to the doctor they will give me a shot too, and I will get a princess band aid." She was so excited about it naming off the band aids that she wanted. "Ouch," that's all I thought.

As a treat we went bowling after. Both of the kids had a great time. They both enjoyed pushing the ball down the ramp. The kids even got a few spares. I bowled one game as well. Ok I didn't look at what score I got because there was a few times where I should have gotten a gutter ball, but we had bumpers up. I think I used the bumpers more then the kids did. I think we will have to go again. It was a buck a game before 5, nice!

Last night we had Bobbie and Jeremy over for dinner and games. I forget how much I like playing games. We all had a blast playing Last Word. Wow is all I have to say. By the end I think I was just throwing out words hoping that it would work (a few times it did work). By the way what is a water crest? and is a bobcat fast? I won with that one. Ok well I never actually won the game, Bobbie and Jeremy did, but what ever. It will be nice having them live down here in the fall.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Disc found

I have to make a quick update. While we were staring to walk to the first hole disc golfing I found a disc. Will was pretty happy because it was a nicer one and the phone number was disconnected. I still have to say even though I did find the disc (sitting in the middle of the grass), I was still miserable.


So the weekend was pretty relaxing, you know the usual hang out with Matt and Mickie, pool, and frolfing. I wasn't to happy on Saturday though. There is another place to go disc golfing near the Timp temple. It is a pretty nasty place to go play. I was pretty "miserable" the whole time walking around in the dirt with flop flops (not my favorite).

It was however nice for the guys to have a change of scenery. Will made an awesome putt. He couldn't even see the basket. The whole time we were following these 2 guys with a kid. At the end Will asked how they did. They told them that they had a pretty good game by going 7 over. Will and Matt were pretty amazed that that was a good game. Will ended with a 2 over and Matt a 1 under. The guys asked if Will and Matt were professionals. Haha, again they are professionals.
Sunday we had our friends Paul and Mieka over. She is due in October, so it was fun to talk pregnancy stuff with her. We also played a round of five crowns. they seamed to really enjoy it. We gave Jason some of the fake cards and a stool, he stood right next to Mieka and told her what cards she should get ride of. He was pretty funny. He really felt like he was part of the game. Too cute.