Friday, September 28, 2007

Bullet Points

  • It finally happened and I am now fully sick. It was only a matter of time before what Jason had caught up with me.
  • The BYU class yesterday was pretty good. I learned a lot about how little minds work.
  • I won a book. Wahoo!
  • I have been pretty impressed with myself and making dinners this week. I planned a head and cooked extra chicken. It has been nice not having to cook meat each dinner and knowing exactly what I am going to make for dinner. The worst part about making dinner is deciding what to make.
  • I am going to go watch a movie and lie down.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


There really is nothing to comment on today, except that I went to a Maceys class last night. It was on breads, and was pretty bad. The bread was nasty except for one recipe which I will have to give a try. Oh well you can't win them all. I am however excited for the BYU class today. Those are usually pretty good.

Oh and Paul and Mieka had their baby yesterday. It is weird to think they are parents now. I guess it is weird to think any one is a parent with in one day. Well congrats to them!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Locks and shopping

Last night I freaked my self out. I am really good about locking all of the doors. Well I got up at 5 to go to the bathroom and heard a noise. It must have been Jason moving. I went to look around the house and noticed that the door was unlocked. I about died of fright. I ended up waking Will up and we searched the house. Of course we found nothing, but I was still on edge. What ended up happening was that I thought the door was locked and went up to bed. I am going to have to be more careful in the future.
We went to buy Jason some winter clothes and pajamas last night. Dang, I should have looked last year at the sale stuff. Well I am already preparing ahead and have bought summer stuff for Sierra and Jason to wear. Buying full price can be costly. (Yeah the shirt is a 2T and is a little big. It was pretty easy for him to take it off.)
Jason has been loving all of his cars, so Will set up a ramp for him to play with. What cute boys I have.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Toys and Boys

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I finally put to use the masterful skills that I have acquired as a kid of tent making. You know there is a lot of trial and error when you are a kid. I like to think that this tent was a master piece. Jason had a great time in it, until he keep pulling the blanket off the chairs.

He is such a little boy now. He is totally into "Cars" the movie and playing with cars. He is kinda funny. He lines them all up the same way, looks at them, and lines them up some where else. Funny kid.

Jason watched and did gymnastics on the counter as Will and I made some yummy chicken noodle soup. The high yesterday was 57. Yikes.

Last night we were able to help out Bobbie and Steph by watching the boys, so they could pack and move. It really was nice having the boys over. It gives Jason some one to play with besides me. He was so sick of me yesterday. (Poor Brighton got ambushed, so we took a picture.)

We were able to get out of the house for a little bit and take the boys to the park. Sorry Steph, Parker is at least buckled up, and the park is less the 2 miles away. There was no way we could get 3 car seats in there. Do you like that both the little ones have snotty noses. It was pretty cold outside.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tons o' fun

Mickie took the pictures this weekend. It was so weird. I didn't even have my camera out. Thanks for the pics Mickie. Plus she has a cute video of Jason saying cougar's on her blog.

Friday was a day for the doctors. I had my appointment and Jason had his. I am a text book pregnancy, and things look great. I am very excited to say that Jason is finally back to his normal self!! He still has a little cough, but it is nothing to what he had. Hurray!!!

Saturday was disc golfing in the morning for the guys. They are practicing at Art Dye park for their tournament in October. It sounds like they will do pretty well. They still need to practice a few more times though.

The afternoon was the BYU game, which we won. Hurray for us. It was pretty good weather till the end, then it started to really rain. Suzanne was the only one with out rain gear, so Will and I shared our ponchos with her. Luckily our ponchos opened up on the side.

I am the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of the rain, so at the first sign of it, I had my poncho on. Everyone laughed at me. They say that I look like my dad. What do you think? HAHA

After the BYU game we hung out at the Maxwells for Braxton's birthday party. We all had a pretty good time and the food was excellent (Matiki's).

Sunday morning I get a phone call from Mickie asking me what I was making for dinner. Humm I was going to make soup, but that quickly changed to ribs when she asked if they could come over. It was the only thing in my freezer, dang they lucked out. Mickie told Matt that if he studied hard for 2 hours then they could come play at our house. Haha, I think that is so funny that it is a treat to come over to our house.

It was a good dinner and the guys went to the field and threw some discs around. Will said that Nate (Suzanne's boyfriend (yes that is still weird to say)) is actually pretty good at throwing. We will see how he holds up on a real course though.

Nice Matt!

Sharon gave Jason a heavy duty winter coat. It is so nice and toasty warm. I am excited, but it is a little big. He will have to grow into it a little more.

PS I am going to a cooking class on Wednesday about breads, and a BYU class on Thursday. If any one is interested let me know or just show up. They start at 7 at Maceys.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Well we found out 2 things. One our thermometer is WAY WAY off, and two Jason has a cold and a "flaming" ear infection.

When we took him in today I took his temp before we left and it said that he has a fever of 101. Not that big of a deal. When the nurse took it it was 103. Dang and last night he was so much hotter. I am actually going to have to invest in a good thermometer now. Dang I wonder how much that is going to run me.

The doctor also told me that Jason has had a "flaming" ear infection for the last 3 days. Dang. I had no clue. This kid is tougher then nails. He hasn't pulled at the ear at all. Heck we are such bad parents we took him to the park for the last 3 nights. He has been going stir crazy and gets so tired of laying down.

Well hopefully with this medicine that the doctor has now put him on, it will help things out a ton. I am not thrilled that I have to give it to him twice a day for 10 day though. That is a long time for me to remember to give him any thing. Oh well.


The kid has a fever and has been siting on my lap for the last 45 min. I am now sweating from his body heat. Yuck.

Still sick

My mom got Jason monkey finger puppets and he loves them... This is before he got sick.

He keep Will and I up all night. I called the doctor and they want to see him. I really hope that he gets better soon. Poor kid! Thanks for all the well wishes.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Short and Sweet

We thought that Jason was getting better, but yesterday after his nap I picked him up and he was burning hot. He has mostly just laied around and watched movies all day, and I imagine today is going to be the same. The only difference is that he wont leave my arms. I really don't want to get sick, so I have already taken an airborne and hopefully that will help me.

I went to a cooking class on secret recipes from restaurants. It was pretty good. She took for ever though. I didn't get out of the class till 8:30. She made cheesecake factories breshutta, Tuscan chicken from olive garden, and Blondie brownies from applebees. Next time she is doing soups, tomato basil from thanksgiving point. (Her daughter is a caterer there.) So excited it is Oct. 3rd.

One cool thing that I did learn was that olive garden is not stingy about keeping their recipes a secret. They give quite a few of the recipes out on their web site. They even have demo videos for you to watch. How cool is that.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A little to tough

During the weekend we figured that Will did 20+ hours of driving. Holy Cow I am so tired of driving in that silly car. My bum permanently hurts from sitting that long. Plus now Sierra has been getting me back by making me uncomfortable.

This picture is for Colton... I thought the name was funny.

While Will and I drove to and from the wedding I was not going to sit in jeans the entire way. I wore pj's. I guess that when I am wearing them, with my hair back, and no make-up on I look really friendly. I have never had anyone touch my belly, but I got 2 people touching my belly, and a ridiculous amount of people asking me how far along I was. It was no big deal, but what was it about my attire that made me look more friendly?? I think I just looked really white trash.
Well after the Jelly Belly Factory it was time to go disc golfing. I think Will is going to go crazy during the winter not being able to go. The place we went to was the pebble beach of disc golf. It was not a very nice course, but it was challenging. It was way to challenging for the guys. They struggled to even make par. In fact there are 2 lost discs some where on the course, bummer.
There were some fun holes to play though. One was called the top of the world. You stood on this huge hill. Suzanne and I stood on the bottom of those hills. Thanks for pushing Jason, Suzanne.
I did most of the navigating, but Jason felt left out...
Matt tripped over this tree stump. Suzanne had to re-in act it...
If you notice Jason is even getting into the picture... What goofy pictures we like to take.
Suzanne made a pretty accurate observation while we were driving past the real golf course to the disc golf course. She said that the caliber of people significantly goes down with the 2 sports. I would have to agree. Smoking cigars vs pot... Nice clothes vs hippy clothes... Shaven vs beards...
We finished golfing pretty late and then headed over to Tom and Jill's house (my aunt and uncle). It was pretty weird seeing my cousins grown up. I have not seen them in years. They look like they are doing pretty well from what I can tell.
Jill makes wonderful food. I enjoyed it a lot. While she was making breakfast for us, Tom and Will sat down to a game of chess. Tom has not been beat in a long time, but I guess Will proved that he was a bigger nerd and won. He also won a game of Chinese chess. It was a pretty good game.
Jason entertained himself with just the pawns. Weird, he would not touch the other pieces.
I guess I should say something about the wedding. That was our excuse to go down there in the first place (really Will just wanted to disc golf). The wedding turned out nicely. The reception was good. Her mom did a good job of combining the two cultures (Mormon and non-Mormon). It is always hard to incorporate different cultures into a wedding. Haha, we know first hand. "We are having a tea pouring ceremony? What is that? You get money for it? Heck why not."
After the reception everyone went mini-golfing. It was cold, noisy (there was a band), and I had a headache, so Will and I opted to skip it. I felt bad, but then it happened, Will found his most favorite ice cream in the whole world. Thrifty brand coconut pineapple. It was interesting. I am glad that I convinced him to get it. He keep saying what are we going to do with a half gallon of ice cream. It was the same price for a cold stone, so we will just eat as much as we want and chuck the rest. He LOVED it.
OK this entry is way way way to long. To finish the weekend up we went out to breakfast with my parents and then drove home on Sunday. Will and I got in really late. I didn't have pj's for Jason, so he is wearing one of Mickies shirts. Thanks for watching Jason for us. it made the car ride so much more enjoyable.
Here is my sick little boy. He still has a little cough and snotty nose, but he is a happy kid.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jelly Bellies

This blog is dedicated to the Jelly Belly Factory.

Will and I drove in the night before to Reno and Stayed the night in a 4 star hotel. Yeah it was not a 4 star. I preferred the Marriott that we stayed in with my parents on Saturday night. Both the sinks and tub drained slow. It wasn't bad until I was taking a shower and the tub was filling up with others hairs in the water. I was pretty grossed out. Any ways...

We drove the rest of the way and picked up Jason, Matt, Mickie, Suzanne, Braden (Matt's brother), and Ryan (Matt's friend). By the way I did cry at the airport when we dropped Jason off with Matt and Mickie. It was only the second time that he has not stayed with us over night. I blame the pregnancy hormones on that one. 2 minutes later I was just fine with the situation.

We then headed to the Jelly Belly Factory. Matt had to pick up his tux, so while we were waiting we went and bought our belly flops (jelly beans that are to big, small, or stuck together). We did a lot of playing around too.

We ended up doing a lot of waiting... They got really lost so we did the tour with out them. None of us realized that both the cell phones were in our car, woops.

On the tour they make you wear hats (health code). It was pretty tough making Jason keep his on.

Colton is King Bacon in his Knights of Meatlumbis group. They eat a lot of meat on Mo' Meat Mondays. He is a strange kid. Here he is eating a bacon jelly belly. He said that it really tasted like he was eating bacon bits. I don't think I would like my jelly beans tasting like bacon.

Jason loved this car. He played while the rest of us ate our jelly bean shaped hamburgers and pizza.


Monday, September 17, 2007


Wow, it has been a long time since I have bloged. Life has just been crazy, and still is. Last night we got home pretty late from Cali, and both Jason and Will picked up a bug while we were there. Will is staying home from work today, so it is a lay on the couch movie day.

(Check out what is in between his toes.) Idaho turned out pretty well. Jason was a pretty good kid. I was able to help do dishes and prepare meals for HD and Britany. I keep myself entertained by making a ton of cookies* for HD and Britany. I stuck them in the freezer, so when they wanted some cookies, they could let it thaw and eat them. (*HD and Britany are on wick and receive a food allotment. The get a ton of peanut butter and HD asked me to do something with it, hence I made 3 batches of peanut butter cookies.) After making so many cookies, I am truly thankful for my cookie scoop. Rolling that may cookies by hand got tiring.

Jason watched a lot of movies while we were there. HD and Britany also live 1 block away from a park. Every day we would go take a walk to the park while Britany was taking a nap. Jason loved it. I wish that we lived that close to a park.

Baylee is a cute little girl. She had a little bit of Jaundice, so she looks a little yellow in the pictures, but it cleared up by the time that I left. None of the pictures that I took do her justice, but I will put them up any ways.

Jason handled Baylee pretty well. He didn't freak out when I held her. He was OK with her. I think he is going to do just fine when we bring Sierra home. He thought she was a pet more then anything. He would touch her toes, and watch her. He was very gentle with her. Visiting them eased my mind a lot about how he would handle things.

He even shared his toys with her. (I can't believe that Jason use to be smaller then Baylee.)
One time he was looking at me, he all of a sudden turned towards Baylee and said BOO. I laughed so hard. He was trying to play with her. Don't worry he was a good 6 feet away from her, but what a funny kid.
Lastly HD and Britany have a turtle. Jason was afraid of it and would run away from the turtle. In this picture I asked him where the turtle was and he is pointing it out to me. I was surprised that at one point he actually said turtle with out me coaxing him. It is amazing how fast they learn things at this age.
I will have to tell about the wedding tomorrow. Right now I need to take care of my 2 sick boys and make them lunch.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

No time

  • I over scheduled my self today. I am so glad that I came home last night.
  • The trip was good. You probably will hear more next week.
  • I made lots of cookies and did a lot of dishes this week.
  • Jason was a pretty good traveler. He had his fits, but for the most part he was good.
  • Baylee is a cute little girl. Jason thought she was a pet. He was pretty funny about it.
  • Now I have to unpack to pack again for this afternoon, and sew on some sleeve for the dresses Mickie and Suzanne are going to wear this weekend. Yikes. I hope I get everything done.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Will's Entry: She'll be comin' back from Rexburg when she comes . . .

Yay, after a quick 3 days, Kristin will return tonight. I'll pick her up from the airport in the evening. I imagine we'll have our favorite Chinese food downtown too. Should be a good evening. The short calm before our trip to "Jordan's wedding".

A big THANK YOU goes out to the Maxwell clan for making the last few days so enjoyable. I almost feel bad that I had fun while Kristin was gone. Hopefully we can get together still. We'll just need to get Jason on a schedule where he can stay up til 10PM. Yeah, that sounds good.

This will be a short entry. I was thinking to myself, "When do I miss Kristin the most?" I'd definitely have to say that I miss her when I get into bed and know that she's not next to me and she's not going to be joining me any time soon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Will's Entry: Funny Stuff

So, leading off, I had a great "Will" idea. I think every April Fools, they need to do a prank on the spectators for a sport. This could be anything from running out in the wrong uniforms, to a fake play, or maybe spontaneously breaking out into a funky dance. I think it would get great coverage and people would definitely tune in to see if their game would be the "special one".

Last night we introduced Steph to the world of Killer Bunnies. Let's just say that she's the nicest player ever. She wouldn't play a weapon on someone! She got the hang of the game. Trish and I both won even though we spent the majority of the time in last - waiting for bunnies. It was a blast and apparently we have a date to play again tonight since Jeremy didn't get to play with us. I love games so I definitely am enjoying this.
Sad note: Kailye, Parker and Bright were so excited when they heard I arrived. I went to the back yard and when Kailye was coming to see me she forgot the boys were behind her and slammed the door on Parker. Really happy and sad moment at once.
Well, on the way home I got to thinking . . . even a few years ago, if you'd told me that I would be staying up past midnight to play Killer Bunnies with Ray, Trish, Bobbie, and Steph, I would have been "Who? Really? and what Bunnies???". Interestingly enough it all makes sense now. I definitely consider them Family despite the fact that we share no blood relation. It kind of made me miss my cousins. We'd always be playing games and it was always a fun time.
Last, but not least: Kristin deserves a big hand. I definitely wouldn't have volunteered myself so easily. Especially not with taking the shuttle AND Jason along. She's a great sport.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Will's Entry: I'm Mr. Lonely

So as she was leaving yesterday, Kristin said "While I'm gone, it's up to you to keep the blog going." Oooohhh, that left me feeling like the guys in the Civil War whose sole job is to hold the flag and keep it from touching the ground or maybe I felt like Frodo with The Ring. Either way, I feel the pressure from something relatively meaningless.

I apologize for those who have been waiting all day for me to post on the blog. For those who haven't heard, Kristin is with Jason in Idaho helping HD and Britany with their new little one, Bayleef. She caught a shuttle (van) to go up and will return Wednesday. Apparently Jason didn't mind the trip too much. I wonder how he'll feel about going an entire day without Kristin and I when we send him to California with Matt, Mickie, and Suzanne for Jordan's wedding? Did Kristin ever mention that for our drive, I got a $40 hotel room in Reno - four stars! I'm pretty happy about that.

After church yesterday I went home to an empty house. Fortunately Roger Federer kept me company for a few hours. I'm actually grateful that I get to witness "The Best EVER". I missed Gretzky, only appreciate Michael Jordan as "great", and Tiger doesn't make me go WOW. As an ex-tennis player some of the things he does just makes my jaw drop. I could go on and on about him.

Well last night got incredibly boring, so I headed over to the Maxwells. In a weird way, it was actually nice just "hanging out" with no responsibilities. I've decided that for better or worse, 35% of my brain is always on Kristin and Jason (that can go up if one of them is hungry). Anyway, it was real relaxing having 100% of my brain and wasting it watching The Office with them for awhile. I'm going back tonight for game night. We're supposedly playing Killer Bunnies and teaching Steph. I get nervous because it's one of those games that you're never Sure they'll like.

I guess the last thing I'll add is that I managed to get Mickie a $50 room at the Hilton for Jordan's wedding from Priceline. Yay me!

FOUR more days until we get to go to the Mecca of Disc Golf, Delaveaga Park in Santa Cruz (Art, you will be with us in Spirit). Here's a quote from Wave Magazine:

“There are courses . . . all over,” says Price. “And then there’s DeLaveaga, which is like the Pebble Beach of disc golf courses in the whole nation.”