Friday, November 30, 2007

Will's Entry: Survey

Pretty funny, but Kristin and I had completely opposite reactions to the survey. She hates them and I say YAAAAAAY. Thus I will represent us, though these are purely MY answers.

Welcome to the 2007 Holiday Edition of Getting to Know Your Friends and Family!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate, though the 1st sip of egg nog is Really good.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? I'd have to say colored
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Never have
5. When do you put up your decorations? I have no idea
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Holiday dishes have never been a tradition
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Peeking into my parents bedroom and watching them wrap gifts
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I doubt I ever believed in Santa
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I think we usually do, we're a pretty impatient bunch
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Well, the plan is to do a different tree every year for a couple years, then we'll let the kids pick the color scheme. I hope they pick weird combinations.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Can I disc golf in it? Well then I dread it.
12. Can you ice skate?? I can ice skate though stopping is an issue.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? The TV a few years back was pretty cool
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being with family
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? I don't think I have a favorite
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Getting presents from my pets
17. What tops your tree? We'll have to see
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? competition
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night, though I like the electric guitar Ukrainian Bells
20. Candy Canes? I don't think I get this question
21. Do you feel Christmas is too commercialized? Yes, but people who rant about its over-commercialization bug me more. No, no one has "ranted" about it.


Just a quick update. I put Jason down for a nap in the bunk beds and he never left his bed once. He actually fell right asleep. Wahoo!! One nap time and one bed time later I think has done it. We will see how tonight goes, but I was so excited that it was a super easy nap time!

Busy Day

Ok it really wasn't a busy day yesterday, but a lot happened. First off Will watched how to be the cub scout master. He is pretty intimidated by the calling, but I think that we will be able to come up with stuff to entertain the cub scouts.

Jason really likes to share his toys with Sierra. She doesn't like it some times. I just over heard him telling her that what he put on her lap was a ball. Goofball.

Will made a race track for Jason to play with. It was a huge hit. He has been playing with it for a good hour this morning.

Will was doing push-ups and Jason decided that he needed to do them too. Don't worry Will has better form then Jason does.

Last but not least we are putting Jason in his bunk beds now. It took me holding him down for 45 min at nap time to get him to finally sleep in it. It got really tiring and I almost cried a few times, but that set the ground work.

We then put him in the bed at night time and he stayed laying down. As soon as we put the gate up he started to cry and got out of bed, but with in 20 min he crawled back in the bed and put the covers on. He fell asleep finally. I am hoping that tonight will go a little smoother.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Taylor Swift

Ok I just had to add another post. Jason kills me. We have been listening to the Taylor Swift CD. Jason likes to sing with me. Don't worry you don't have to suffer through my singing, he does it by himself.


A quick update on how Sierra is doing. We went to the doctor yesterday and after 2 weeks the child is suppose to have just gained back their birth weight. Ok well not only has she gained it back she is now 6 lbs 6 oz! She has almost gained a pound since being born. (I guess my mom was right and that I was starving her.)

She also has grown length wise. She was 17 inches when she was born, and now she is 19 1/4". Man she is growing fast!!

This is when we hung out with the Wu's during thanksgiving. Yes it is weird to be holding 2 kids.

Will likes to call Sierra "Little bundle" he has interesting nick names for our kids. When Jason was younger he called him "Boy boy." You have to love the quirkiness of Will.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Here are some pictures from the Sierra's baby blessing. My mom took these pictures, I didn't have my camera out all weekend. What a bummer.
I do have to say that I am a fan of Sierra in pink surrounded by the BYU blue.
Proud dad.
What a great big brother. I bet he was thinking "What camera do I look into?" There were a ton of cameras out taking pictures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Will's SPECTACULAR Entry: Yaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!

Lifted from their site:
The Utah Department of Health has lifted their ban. All individuals are now allowed in the pool regardless of whether they wear diapers.
I tried to post a picture, but couldn't. Not that it matters . . . I'm so excited, when are we going???

Will's Unexpected Entry: OOOOooohhhhhh!!!!

Did anyone else get a kick out of Kristin's "Jason vs Sierra" title? The only thing I thought of that Sierra could win is a poopin' Contest. Little lady is no lady in that regard.

I had a fun Thanksgiving too. Good family and good food, though I find it odd that I actually miss the random Chinese items that used to show up in the Thanksgivings of my younger years. I also find it interesting that I've officially moved on from the video-gaming phase. (For my own benefit, I remember spending lots of time playing Techmo Super Bowl, Gauntlet, Soccer, Pinball, Super Off-Road, Mario Kart (SNES version), Streetfighter II, GoldenEye (Man I miss that game - I was SOOO good)) Nowadays I look at the Start Menus and glance down at my controller/remote to figure out what I need to press to get to the next screen. Sigh . . . .
The reason I've jumped on for this entry is because we forgot to mention one of the funniest things that happened during Thanksgiving. Let's just say that Jason LOVED watching us play on the Wii!!! He would stand in the middle of the action whether we were bowling, boxing or playing tennis. Who knows how long we'll allow that - he's just short enough that we can swing and stuff without knocking his block off. We had the funnest time watching him participate in bowling. He'd yell in anticipation before the ball hit the pins everytime. I guess another funny thing was that he was the only kid remotely interested in what we were up to. He even put down his CARS to watch. Well, there's my entry.

Jason vs Sierra

Ok before I show the pictures I am going to say that Will and I rented Spiderman 3 and about die of boredom. Sorry to those who liked it, but oh man it was hard to sit through.

I have been asked by a few people to show a picture of Sierra and Jason when they were the same age. Well here it is.

I want to say that they look pretty similar. Sierra has a wider nose and lips. I think her tongue is way huge, because she never keeps it in her mouth. Yeah her tongue is sticking out.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Notable Thanksgiving Moments


  • Seeing Baylee now that she is 3 months old. What a huge difference 3 months makes in a baby.
  • I was told that Will played an awesome game of football with the family.
  • My dad and Jason put together the new bunk beds. Jason was more of a hinder then a help. My poor dad got whacked in the head a few times with the boards.
  • Of course eating dinner (1:00) with a ton of my family. Although if you ask Suzanne "Pie is not dinner." We ate pie at 5:00. Haha
  • Eric complimented me on my pies. I think they all turned out pretty well. Ok my mom's pie was interesting. It was peach, but she didn't have enough peaches, so she put some pears in it as well. She said that it got some compliments and Will responded that "Asking what kind of pie it was did not count as a compliment." You have to love his one liners.
  • We went bowling and had to chase down Jason the whole time. It got pretty tiring, but I think he had a good time.
  • Ok Will and I need to really get out more. We saw Enchanted and we thought it was so funny. Everyone else suffered through it.
  • My mom racing. Typing it out won't do it justice. As we were driving home my mom looked into the car next to us. She then pretty much challenged the guy to a race. We took off and he won of course. Then we caught up at another red light. She whipped out her running gloves and started to put them on. The chick in the passenger seat was dying of laughter. I have a crazy mom.


  • Shopping with my dad on black Friday. I bought some "Cars" for Jason at half off. Wahoo.
  • Hanging out and playing the Wii. That Baseball game got me sore. I was really getting into it. Too bad I don't have very good timing.
  • The boys having a marshmallow fight in the backyard. Art and Eric really were getting into it. It is a fun excuse to pelt your boys with marshmallows. (Sorry Ray and Linda)
  • Optimus Prime getting Jason to eat his pizza. Will and I could not get him to eat. What a great Uncle Matt he has.


  • We blessed Sierra on Saturday morning. Sorry to those we did not invite. We wanted to keep it low key and small.
  • Will during the blessing could not remember Sierra's middle name. He had to ask me what it was. Grandpa Coombs leaned over after and said that that kind of stuff should not happen to a young guy like him.
  • I was stressing out in the middle of everything because I lost the BYU Utah football tickets. No I still have not found them.
  • Will and I snuk into the game with the help of Matt and Mickie. We were deceptive, but we have tickets some where. If you are wondering how, here is the story. To get back into the game you have to have your hand stamped. Matt got his hand stamped. He then went back to some one else and asked for another stamp because it was coming off. He then took a rubber football they had given him and put it on the hand stamp. The wet ink transferred quite nicely to Will's hand and then he did the same thing for me. We were able to walk in without any problems.
  • The game was so good and keep us all on the edge of our seats till the very end. BYU came out victorious in the end, but Utah really gave them a run for their money.
  • We hung out with Will's family for a bit before we had to head back home.
  • My family hanging out watching the BYU basketball game. Yes my dad is ironing his traveling shirt.
  • Britany and I went shopping with the gift cards she received. We had a great time picking out new winter outfits for Baylee. I think she is going to be nice and toasty warm this winter.


  • I was ganged up on by the Relief Society Women. Everyone wanted to see Sierra. They even lined up to see her. It was so bizarre. It was interesting that I got quite a bit of people asking me if she was early. I replied that she was just 2 days early and they were surprised.
  • Oh and my favorite memory of the weekend. Sister Bradford (old primary president) came up to Will and asked him if he was having fun with Sierra. Will's response was "Fun? I don't think that your memory of a newborn is the same as what I am going through." He cracks me up.
  • Then it was off to hang out with Will's family again. We are looking forward to spending more time with them during Christmas.




Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Will's Entry: Calm before the storm

I thought I'd write since Kristin is having a busy day with her mom. They've got a million rolls and pies to make before Thanksgiving and I believe we're going up this evening to Harvey's parents.
Things have been busy here at work and it seems like everyone wants to slide in project or 2 before December hits. That's fine by me. I feel like "if anyone can do it - I can".

I played basketball last night. I play every Tuesday night. It's really good pickup ball (that means that I'm one of the worst ones there). I definitely miss playing 3 times a week (college), but it definitely fills the basketball void in me. A few weeks ago, a guy elbowed me in the face. I had kankersores on both my lips for a long time. Last week a 300+ lb guy stepped on my fingers and fell on me. It left my elbow bruised for a long time. Anyway, last night I escaped injury-free! I think it's mainly because I'm short and don't shy away from playing defense.

Oh well, just didn't want y'all to run into an empty blog, especially with the long weekend approaching.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tough Night

What an ugly crying face.

My mom took Sierra for us last night and I guess she was a pill. So far she is on a trend one good night, one bad night, one good night, one bad night. Well I am grateful for the extra sleep I got last night.

The sleep mothering is back. Last night I "needed" to feed Sierra, so I got up holding her, put my robe on, and walked downstairs. As I was walking to the fridge for a bottle when I realized that I was cradling my breasts instead of her. I searched for her and then it finally clicked in my head that my mom had her. I then went to the bathroom to make it seam like that is what I was up to do. Well I guess I just blew my cover :)

We also were able to buy a bunk bed for Jason. We are still working on buying mattresses, but I am sure the bed will be up in no time. Small detour, but we went out to lunch with Suzanne after buying the beds. She works with HUGE blue prints and was so excited that she just got clamps to hold it on her desk.

Well I guess I will spread the news, but Colton and a bunch of his friends got $100 tickets for playing wall ball in a public parking garage. There were no signs saying they couldn't be there, there were no cars on the floor, and the kids were only playing wall ball. After the cop gave them tickets he started swearing and joking around with all the kids. These kids were really offended. Any ways they are going to try and fight the tickets. I hope they get a good judge. What a stupid thing to get a ticket for.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Random Events of the Weekend

The random events that happened this week...

Sierra's first bath. She did pretty well with it. She cried a little, but I think she will enjoy taking them after the first few.

Will gave Jason a piece of candy and I asked him to say thank you. All of a sudden Jason said "Thank you very much." Where the heck did he pick that up. We were all pretty amazed.

My mother was playing with Jason. Running around and well the phone rang. She picked it up and did not switch mind sets. All of a sudden she said "AHH BOO, (laughing) I mean hello." We all died. It was some lady from the ward. She said that my mom sounded like a fun grandma, haha.

Now Jason is still not getting the whole fingers out of the mouth thing, but it is some what registering. He stuck his fingers in his mouth, looked at my mom, said "out", and then took them out. Humm at least he knows it is something we don't want him to do. Now we have to work on the follow through.
Last but not least Sunday night we had a birthday dinner for my grandma at Art and Mickey's house. It was great fun seeing everyone and introducing Sierra.

Will's Weekend Wentry

I just thought I'd been pretty quiet since Sierra's birth. Life is pretty different nowadays. I'm a creature of routine and I haven't really figured things out with this one yet. I already knew things would be different (courtesy of the Maxwells), but I wonder when I'll get used to this little one.
She's a pretty good kid so far. Very happily eating and sleeping all day. I'm glad she's a good eater. I guess it's a natural consequence, but she's a good pooper as well. Yesterday I changed 4 poopy diapers in an hour and a half (Jason's and hers).
I'd say Jason has handled her pretty well. He really enjoys holding her and I think I let him get away with a lot that Kristin doesn't. Maybe Kristin will post some pictures that I have taken lately.
Anyway, just thought I'd write a short bit.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fun Pics!

Yesterday we went and picked up my grandparents from the airport. I am excited to have them home. Ok really we just went to say hi and welcome home. We had a full car with Mickie included, so we were not much help, but we were able to help move the luggage.

Other then that my milk has come in and boy is that painful (we are bottle feeding). Any time Jason knocks me, oh boy. I was able to take some benadrill to help dry me up last night and my mom took Sierra. It sure was nice because I was in so much pain. I sure hope I dry up real fast.

Will thought it was funny the way I was putting on Jason's shoes. He had to take a picture.

She sure looks cute in her outfit, but she was not having any of it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Code Blue

I forgot the most interesting thing about my stay at the hospital. Will was washing Jason's hands and there are buttons on the wall. Well Jason got to the buttons and pressed the code blue. All of a sudden we had a nurse and 2 doctors running into our room. I felt so bad, but boy were they quick! That has to at least make you feel pretty good that they are on top of their game.

Not a bad pic of us right after she was born. I actually took a shower before I went to the hospital. If they were going to tell me to go home I might as well have been ready for the day. (We were going to go disc golfing)

Happy family...

There she is with dad!

Humm I think he is a little big for that chair. But he sure had a great time sitting in it. (Now I won't let him, he is not happy with that.)

Jason is very affectionate brother. He keeps rubbing her head and giving her kisses. He also gives her his toys and tries to play. Yes he has also said "ah Boo" to her. (I do have to admit that was the first thing that I said to her. What a weird urge, I know.)
He likes to hold her too. I am really going to have to watch this kid.

Look at all that hair! I do have to say that i think the blond highlights look pretty cool.

I'm back!!

Well I was going to come tell my version of everything that happened this weekend, but Will did a really good job. I will add in my memorable points to though.
  • I only went through the contractions for 3 days. I had enough by Monday. I realized that Britany is a lot stronger then people give her credit for. Going through contractions for 4 weeks would have killed me!
  • I thought it was so funny that one of the nurses came in and told us that "she was trying to convince me that I was in labor." All of the nurses were amazed that I was dilated to a 7 and still was joking around and smiling. After that they got a lot harder and I became a lot more quite, but I handled everything very well.
  • I hate needles and when I was getting my IV it didn't go so well. The blood pressure cuff was not working on me and would cut off my blood circulation. Then the nurse decided to put the IV in right after. That did not work so well. She burst my vain and no i have a nice bruise. A new nurse tried and well the first time she did it she hit a valve and now I have 2 bruises on my arm. The third one finally took. The bruises are pretty much the only thing I am still healing from.
  • It was interesting when I was not aloud to push her out. The nurse keep telling me "say Pu Pu Pu" Let me tell you that it is not easy. The doctor had just enough time to get in there and put gloves on by the time she was coming out. It was crazy.

So those are pretty much what I remember at the moment. I will have to write later more, but we are heading to the store. I picked the worst time to have a kid. The house was a wreck, we had no food, and we had plans on Tuesday to buy our Christmas present. Oh well what can you do, she decided to come a little early.

I am truly thankful for Mickie and Matt and how they came over at 4 am and helped out. I am so glad that I have such a great sister that lives here. (Suzanne would have totally been down too, if she was not watching our cousin). Plus Will enjoyed the hospital breaks by going disc golfing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Will's Entry: She's Heeee-re!

It seems that the Spence Blog and ours go hand in hand. As many of you are already aware, we had baby Sierra yesterday.

Not that there's anything wrong with Mickie's blog, but here's ACTUALLY what happened . . .

Kristin started having contractions Sunday evening. They felt like the usual Braxton-Hicks, but they were getting coming in closer series. By 4AM, they were coming 2.5 minutes apart. At that point Kristin thought we better start packing and call Mickie/Matt. So we did that and waited for them. Apparently, the body liked sitting down and the contractions went back to being 5 min apart. We figured they would just send us home if we went home with those so we tried going back to sleep (after apologizing profusely to Matt/Mickie for coming all the way down). Needless to say, discomfort followed trying to sleep so I think Kristin and I ran on 3 hrs sleep yesterday.

When we "woke up", Kristin was still in a lot of discomfort? so we went to the hospital while Mickie/Matt took Jason to Kneaders. We were hoping that since we were so close to "Inducing Day" that they would take pity on her and find some way to have it then. Well, she was dilated to a 4-5 (10:30AM) and in less graphic terms - "Ready to Burst". We were very, very happy and that's when we started to make the calls (Sorry if we missed anyone).

Kristin was a nurse's dream. She tends to be pretty stoic when she's in pain. The nurses kept saying how great she was and asking if she "really" was having a baby. By 11:30, I was guessing that Sierra would be out by by 4, but Kristin was thinking around 6, the same as Jason. Well, Dr. Lawrence came in and said she'd probably be out in an hour or hour and a half. Boy, that was a surprise.

12:20 came around so quick that we (I) didn't even get bored. Kristin started feeling the tiniest urge to push so the nurse went to get the doctor. It was a tense 2 minutes where Kristin wanted to push but was told not to. To conclude: Dr came in told Kristin to give 2 small pushes and then after one big one it was over. Baby came out completely healthy - 5lbs 8oz, 17 inches. She probably should have weighed more, but she peed before her initial weighing. Yeah, Kristin just makes little babies.

For those who have had hard deliveries or are predicting them, you will probably read further . . . but you've been warned! This delivery went by even easier than Jason's. Kristin and I were both shocked. The night-before wasn't very pleasant, but the actual delivery went so smooth. Kristin's body just got ready really fast. No tearing, no epidural, no screaming, heck I don't even think that Kristin really broke a sweat. I didn't even have the camera since Kristin told me to leave it in the car and get it around lunchtime. We were done at lunch and wondering what to do with the rest of the day.

While they were cleaning her up and stuff, Matt/Mickie, Jason, and I went disc golfing and took naps. We went back to visit in the evening with Suzanne/Nate to introduce Jason to his new little sister. We're pretty sure he's not very aware of his new situation. He didn't seem very interested at first. Then he thought he ought to poke her, but that didn't sit too well with the parental unit. We told him to give kisses and that's all he wants to do now. Lots of kisses. So we'd say it was a successful 1st encounter.

Kay is driving over today. We'll probably take Jason over to the Kangaroo Zoo today. He was supposed to go during Sierra's "10 hr delivery", but she messed with those plans. We laugh because she's already intruding on his fun. Anyway, we'll probably visit Kristin soon. If it weren't for AFLAC paying us $500 for everyday she spends in the hospital, she probably could have come home with us last night. Oh well, I just miss her (and the "other" her). It just doesn't feel like my family is intact at the moment.

One last thing: It's pretty weird, but Sierra has blonde highlights! you'll have to enlarge the picture, but she definitely has blonde highlights all over!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Will's Entry: Forgotten Items

I just thought that I'd mention that we're usingthe Thum stuff that my cousin Rachel recommended. It tastes pretty bad as Matt and I can attest to. It's like using Mase - you have to know what you're inflicting before you inflict pain. Unfortunately it's not the great cure we were hoping for. It definitely has cut his sucking 75%, but he doesn't have it on (it's like nail polish) all the time.
Rachel - should we be worried if he licks it then rubs his eyes with it?
The other night we were having canned peaches for dinner. Kristin cut Jason's up into bite-size pieces, but it was still to slippery for him to catch with a fork. I came up with a good idea - I took out a toothpick for him. You could tell he really enjoyed stabbing his pieces. He was on a rapid stab, put in mouth, swallow, stab again-cycle.
Lastly, Suzanne and I have to comment on the way Kristin's brain works. It really is odd how her imagination runs away from her.
We were in the nosebleed seats at the football game last nite. Before halftime, the band started practicing underneath us. All you could really hear was the thumping and crashing of the percussion. Kristin's first thought was "Is someone doing something bad to the stadium??"
Here's my favorite part:
Her next thought was, "Is there not anybody who's going to do something about it?" I love my wife and just smile when she lets thoughts like these enter her pretty little mind . . .

Will's Entry: Busy Day

So yesterday was a LONG day for me. I went to work early and worked through lunch so that I could throw with Art and a friend from work (Jared) today. Sometimes I feel like working through lunch (so I can leave early), but I'd have to say that my time spent at home with Kristin and Jason is a good break in my day. Needless to say, the day drug on.
Afterwards Kristin and Jason picked me up and we headed to Quiznos for dinner before the BYU game. We dropped Jason off with Art and Steph for the rest of the night.
OK, I'm going to break off on a tangent here. Obviously we owe Art & Steph a big one for watching Jason for us. The game went on much longer than expected. Anyway, I don't think they know, but I see them as role-models for us. With Kristin and I both having the 1st kids in our families, I don't feel like we have anyone to look up to. They probably don't realize how much we look at how they interact with Parks and Bright, as well as how Parks and Bright relate to each other. For me at least, they're the closest thing I have to a big brother or sister. I can't tell you how many times I've thought, "Hmmm, I think we'll be going through that in 1 and a half years."
OK, tangent over. The football game was fun. I actually like sitting higher up so that I can see the action better. I'd give BYU a B grade. Poor Kristin was having Pregnancy-heartburn like crazy. She typically takes Tums like candy when the evening hits. We didn't pick up Jason until past 11. Sounds like he had a great time playing with the boys. That's good that he's not just into their house for the toys. I imagine that we have some fun years ahead of us and the Maxwells. I can't wait until Jason and Bright start blabbering away (coherently) with each other. I know he says stuff, I just can't understand it . . .
PS - You can read about Jason from the Maxwell perspective by going to their blog.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Will's Log: Supplemental

Well, our computer is in the shop today, so Kristin will probably not be blogging today. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
So first things first - here's my latest thing that I've been wondering about.
How do certain places stay in business? For example, how does Wienerschnitzel keep its doors open? On that note, Sconecutters too . . . I haven't gone to Kmart as a 1st choice in a decade and I want to know how those perfume places stay open in malls. How many people actually enjoy eating a candy called "Nut Roll"? How come the world isn't addicted to disc golf??? OK, that last one is just me.
  • Jason did some interesting things yesterday. I was eating a spinach salad for dinner. He came over to me and said "Bite??". I thought, "Sure, but you probably won't like it". Well let's just say he wouldn't leave my side until my salad was finished. Huh, he didn't mind spinach . . .
  • We were at the store and he was making a mess (pushing things off shelves, taking things off hooks) faster than I could clean them. I told him he'd have to be held if he kept acting that way. Eventually he threw some socks on the ground and I told him to pick them up. He wouldn't so I picked him up and he screamed and threw a fit. I told him to say Sorry and he actually did it. Pretty good one at that.
  • He also like watching America's Funniest Home Videos. Sadly, he likes the ones with people falling or crashing the best. He actually laughs when we're watching them.

Lastly, I tried finding my favorite cartoon so I could attach it, but I couldn't. Basically, it's a Mom scolding her little boy at the dinner table. Obviously looking flustered, she's yelling, "That's fine! You can mix your peas and your corn, but you CAN'T call it porn!!!"

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Clean Clothes

Well I finally pulled out all of Jason's unisex clothes, car seat, and vibrating chair. Everything is now washed!! We have so many sleepers and onsies. I think we are set for the first little while. Now I just have to set things up in her room. One day that will get done. I am not to worried.

Will did say to me this morning, "Just think of all the fun we are going to be having this time next week." Humm pain...

We really are not very nervous about her coming. I think we are more anticipating the sleepless nights and how Jason will handle the big change. I am sure it will go just fine.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Take that Mickie

Yeah there you go we went out and bought her some clothes, so :P Yeah I know that is her whole wardrobe for when she is 0-3 months, but come on how much is she really going to be out of a blanket, onsie, and a sleeper.

She is going to drown in everything though. It is all 8-12 lbs and well the doc said that she might get up to 6 lbs when she is born. Yeah I am not buying smaller for her to wear it for only a month or so. Is that terrible? (Naahhhh).

We got Chinese food last night and we got fried rice. Jason usually eats it right up, but that is because we normally get ham. This time Will got pork and Jason would spit out ever piece of pork he got. What a picky kid!!

Yummm Krispy Kreams!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Fun and games

Well we have made it a goal to buy every ones Christmas presents before Sierra is born. We are doing pretty goo. I think we just have 2 more people left. Hurray for us. We got an early start this year. It will be nice to just sit back and relax with our newborn. (9 more days!)

Saturday was the BYU football game, which we won. Hurray!! And then the guys went disc golfing as usual. We did get an interesting call from Matt and Mickie last night. Matt was trying to convince me to take an hour nap while I was in labor... So that they could go disc golfing. Humm I think I will be in to much pain to take a nap. Good try Matt.

After the football game, we played ticket to ride and that was pretty much our weekend. Sunday was incredibly long because of the extra hour, so we talked to a lot of family on the phone. I swear that when we do nothing on Sundays it lasts so long, but when we visit family they seam so short.

Here Jason has been enjoying all the Halloween candy he collected.