Ok that back story... Sunday I was walking in from church and all of a sudden my undies were wet. I didn't have to go to the bathroom and it was a weird thing that happened. I thought that I lost some of the amnionic fluid. I called the doctor (on a Sunday night, I felt so bad), and we were scheduled for an ultrasound appointment to make sure that there was enough fluid for the baby to move in. Everything turned out fine. I was very relieved.
So what ended up happening was called a bladder spasm. Yeah, in other words I peed on myself and didn't know it. What the heck I didn't even sneeze. I guess it is a very common problem that women think there water has broken, but in actuality they just peed on themselves. How embarrassing. Well at least I know what other signs to look for.

The kids and I went to see a movie at the dollar theater. It was the bridge to terabithia. Ok what a sad depressing movie that is. In the middle of the movie the little girl dies. It was like my girl. I think that my hormones are kicking in and I cried a little. I do have to admit that the other day when we watched cars I cried then too. What stupid reasons to cry.

So we walked in to the theater and there was no one in there. We watched the movie all by ourselves. Haha they only made a dollar fifty off of us. It was a nice thing that it was only us, Jason is still not old enough to go to the movies. He ran up and down the isles and in between the seats. I think we will try again when rattatuee goes to the dollar theater. He really likes watching cgi shows.

It was dreadfully hot and after the movie we went to get Burger King and had a picnic at Wills work. Yeah what was I thinking I don't know. I thought it would be fun. We all were pretty hot and miserable sitting out side. Next time I will pick a cooler day to have a picnic. Do you see the sweat pouring off Jason?
Ok ok I am almost done with the blog today. One more strange thing that happened last night. At about 9 pm 2 of our boys from our primary class showed up at our door. The just came to say hi. How odd was that. It was a good thing that I actually had a bra on. Yeah I was in my PJ's. We talked to them for a few min and then Will said that we had to go. I would have thought that they would have hated me by now. I am pretty humm strict in class and even put them boy girl boy girl last Sunday. I am still baffled why they came to say hi...
I am so grateful that you can watch kk...she loves going to your house. She told everyone about going to see her "favorite movie" with jason.
Dad and i went to see that movie..it WAS sad. Kinda dumb too.
A picnic sounds fun..maybe if you could cool of by putting your toes in the little stream?
Peeing on your self? That's funny!
Those boys DO like you. They really do want to be taught. I tend to say hi, give them a little treat and send them on their way. Some boys, (spences) just kinda stayed.
I am glad everything is fine with the baby.
I took Will and Tracie to see Never Say Never Again in a theater. They were more interested in the light strips on the floor.
Wow, that's the funnest blog start ever. :-) Sorry you wet your pants. I'm glad everything is ok with the babe.
I haven't seen that movie yet but maybe we'll rent it or something.
So you had an accident? BUMMER! I am glad the primary kiddos like you guys that means a lot! ;)
Wow, you are brave to share a wet your pants story. :) Just kidding. Pretty weird, but glad everything was fine.
That was a sad movie. Not exactly what I was expecting when I rented it.
Jason needs a head band, it would keep the sweat out of his eyes.
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