It is again time for the Noni season of softball. It is a very short season of only 4 weeks. Each time they play they play 2 games. Will went out and bought a mitt, so now he is ready anytime.

Sorry Suzanne there was a discrepancy when only 7 players from Wills team returned for the second game. They tried to pull a random person from the audience and they were not allowed to play. Employees only. The girl in charge was pretty mean about it, I mean come on 7 players. In the out field there was only Will and one other guy. That's a lot of field to cover! They both did a great job anyways. Will even made a few impressive catches out there.

Will did pretty good for not really playing softball. He is a quick learner, but how hard is it to hit a slow pitch softball. I guess I really shouldn't say anything, I haven't touched a ball since high school. I am probably horrible by now. He was able to get on base about 50% of the time.
YAY, WILL! Sounds like you are having fun. :)
Hey..what about employee's wives???You could have made it eight. Not usre what Jason would have done, but...?
It looks like a bunch of fun!Go Will's team!
I love softball. I too haven't touched a ball since high school though. maybe you and I can start our own little league of people who haven't touched a ball since high school.
Jason could've been the ball boy!
Will, keep your back elbow up when swinging, it will give you more drive when you hit.
What a good looking family
Comment for July 10's entry: It was just a light "thud". Your mom is not that heavy!
Guess what? I played baseball at my school against the fith graders. I hit, ran and scored.
Glad that you guys are involved in so many different activities.
So I want to play.. I am qualified. I have a couple shirts that say so... lol. I think that i will just have to be a fan. Bummer.
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