Hi, Suzanne again. I guess I am just bored because I am making another one of these blog entries. Well last night Kristin and I were playing a game called Triominos. It's a pretty lame game. After two rounds of Kristin beating me, I was done with it anyways. So I tried my luck at another one. Racko. That one was much better (given I won that one twice, so we are tied 2-2). It had these very interesting facts on each card that made for a great time. I remember a couple of the cards like the longest game in minor league baseball history is 33 innings, 51% of all diamonds come from Africa, the average adult human (or me in this case) has 32 teeth, and lastly a fortnight has 14 days in it!

So the first story. Kristin only has 24 teeth in her mouth. If you count them in the picture there are only twelve up there and her wisdom teeth are gone. I still have my wisdom teeth (until Wednesday so look forward to that blog entry I am sure it will be a good one with the video coverage) so I have 32 teeth. 24! Seriously. Count them... it's true.

Also, I was going through and reading the cards and we got to a fortnight. I had no idea what it was and so Kristin told me. It's not 7 days its 14 days. I said I could read that but what is a fortnight. She said it's not one week it's two weeks. Well obviously because it is fourteen days. Finally she got around to telling me that it was a way to measure time. Goodness.
Okay, Okay, you two are no longer allowed to play at each other's houses. You do weird and strange things when you are together!
(But what I really wanted to know...how many teeth does Jason have? 12?14?)
You crack me up...even if you think you are bored...you teo are having a good time counting teeth! ;)
I think we decided that Jason has 15 teeth. Heck he almost has as many as me :)
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