So this might be a longer entry, but I don't know. I know I had a lot to say yesterday, but you know how that goes when you go to bed and forget everything.

We had Jason's 18 month appointment yesterday. We took Kailye and it turned out pretty well. I think Kailye got a kick out of it because the doctor "showed" Jason what she was going to do on him to Kailye (I wonder if that sentence even made any since). Well she got a kick out of it and so did Jason. At the end of the appointment Jason had to get a shot. It really wasn't that bad this time. I actually held his hands and he got a superman band aid. Kailye told me after "Maybe next time when I go to the doctor they will give me a shot too, and I will get a princess band aid." She was so excited about it naming off the band aids that she wanted. "Ouch," that's all I thought.

As a treat we went bowling after. Both of the kids had a great time. They both enjoyed pushing the ball down the ramp. The kids even got a few spares. I bowled one game as well. Ok I didn't look at what score I got because there was a few times where I should have gotten a gutter ball, but we had bumpers up. I think I used the bumpers more then the kids did. I think we will have to go again. It was a buck a game before 5, nice!

Last night we had Bobbie and Jeremy over for dinner and games. I forget how much I like playing games. We all had a blast playing Last Word. Wow is all I have to say. By the end I think I was just throwing out words hoping that it would work (a few times it did work). By the way what is a water crest? and is a bobcat fast? I won with that one. Ok well I never actually won the game, Bobbie and Jeremy did, but what ever. It will be nice having them live down here in the fall.
Bowling is soo much fun with little ones. Wish we could have been over for game night. :)
I am now very homesick, thanks a lot! Miss you guys.
Oh those are some good pictures! I like em! Yet you didnt take any pictures of Bob and Jeremy... Camera shy?
Kailye wants a shot? That's great. Hurry and get her in there, Dawn.
Bowling looked like great fun.
They are so cute. As for Kk's shot stories...she likes them. I know weird. The nurse brought a shot in once and ahe looked at her and said "oh medicine" nd then right after she just looked up at the nurse and said "thanks". She was a little confused but she never cried with shots.
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