Lets see. Friday night Will gave Suzanne and I a break and watched Jason while we went out to see a dollar movie and he finished Harry Potter. Now we knew we just wanted to get out and went to see Miss Potter with out knowing anything about it. Let me tell you that we have the worst luck with movies there. Alone we have seen 2 movies at that theater and both of them have rabbits in them. The first was that Wallace and Gromit movie and now Miss Potter. We both didn't like either of the movies. Humm maybe next time we wont see a rabbit movie.

Will and I headed up to one of our friends houses for dinner on Sunday. It was a fun hanging out and talking to them. Now that she is pregnant we all have so much more to talk about.

Prizes make every lame game great!
I hope all these scary spiders don't make their way from Az. to Ut. to Or. That was a big spider too. Thanks goodness it wasn't a herd of them.
That spider does look huge. Yuck! I want to know the approximate measurement. Sometimes the camera can do tricks to the picture. I found spiders at our house too, they are usually 1/2in. big.
YAY! Will killed the spider! :)
Eewww. I got the chills just looking at the thing in a picture. I have a bad case of arachnophobia.
I've always said a bunch of spiders. However "herd" may be correct. Does anyone know for sure. After all they are smaller than a buffalo, cow or horse.
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