Friday, July 27, 2007

Will's Entry: Primary Story

I was reading Bobbie's entry about Harry Potter and how everybody dies . . . and it brought back a funny memory.
It was back when I was playing piano in Primary (Ahhh, the days). We were learning about the Resurrection and Sister Baker was telling about one of her relatives passing away and being resurrected someday. Well all the kids started jumping in with "My Grandpa died!" or "My neighbor's dead."
Eventually a little 4 yr old genius-boy pipes up with an air of authority during a lull in the action - "We're ALL going to die." Coincidentally his mom was his teacher and her reaction was priceless.
Well I hope I haven't already written this on the blog somewhere. If so, oh well, I wanted to make sure that I recorded this for posperity's sake.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Too funny! You have got to love a 'quick' kiddo! ;)