So the weekend was pretty relaxing, you know the usual hang out with Matt and Mickie, pool, and frolfing. I wasn't to happy on Saturday though. There is another place to go disc golfing near the Timp temple. It is a pretty nasty place to go play. I was pretty "miserable" the whole time walking around in the dirt with flop flops (not my favorite).

It was however nice for the guys to have a change of scenery. Will made an awesome putt. He couldn't even see the basket. The whole time we were following these 2 guys with a kid. At the end Will asked how they did. They told them that they had a pretty good game by going 7 over. Will and Matt were pretty amazed that that was a good game. Will ended with a 2 over and Matt a 1 under. The guys asked if Will and Matt were professionals. Haha, again they are professionals.

Sunday we had our friends Paul and Mieka over. She is due in October, so it was fun to talk pregnancy stuff with her. We also played a round of five crowns. they seamed to really enjoy it. We gave Jason some of the fake cards and a stool, he stood right next to Mieka and told her what cards she should get ride of. He was pretty funny. He really felt like he was part of the game. Too cute.
Well...maybe they should enter a tournament and see how they do. OR...maybe you should plan a tournament, maybe you could get prizes donated. I would come help.
We'll call it the Wu/Spence Disc Golf Classic.
Now I see how you cheat Will. See all those "3's" Paul's holding??? Remind me not to let you take a picture when we play any games!
Haha, you can tell by Kristin's facial expression what she REALLY thinks of Jason's sweeping.
That's funny, you really can see all of his cards. Is that how you won Will. You big cheat!!
C'mon, having three 3's would be an advantage and therefore would not be of any assistance in regards to my glorious victory.
That shot of Will looks like he is a pro. Look at that form...lol...like I know anything about it. I like 5 Crowns we also played it this weekend.
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