I live a relatively boring life with the same routine every day pretty much. It bored Suzanne to tears on Friday. She was so amazed that the fun activity for me on Friday was going to wal-mart with Will to get some essentials. Will and I are an old married couple, come on.

We did how ever wake Jason and Will up (oh and he was a real peach to take care of, I hope you sense the sarcasm in that) and buy the new Harry Potter book. Will was so excited to get it and he is already almost half way finished. Dang he is a quick reader. I was going to race him, but after the first day he was already 100 pages in and I had not even started it, I gave up.

So if we were not exhausted enough from staying up till 1 am getting the book, we decided to wake up and enter Will into the disc golf tournament they held in Sandy. Will had a great time tromping around in the heat. Suzanne, Jason, and I hung around, but we also spent a lot of time at the wal-mart near the park. It was weird I am so use to talking when ever I want and what ever, but since it was a serious tournament we were suppose to be quiet when they throw. I really didn't get the hint. Poor Suzanne had to tell me to be quiet quite a few times.

Will did great. He entered as an amature and ended up in the leading pack the second round. He tied for second place, but because of a scoring error he ended up getting a 2 stroke penalty which put him in 5th place. What a bummer, but now we know. I think even though he didn't win and got the penalty he will probably still do another tournament again. He had fun, and I bet Matt would have a great time too.
What, boring Friday? But Zan got to eat soap and everything?
Good job, Will. But how does a stats guy add wrong, hummm?
I got my book on Saturday afternoon, but Adam Broud promtly barrowed it. He's actually almost finished.
Good Luck at the dentist today!
Cute pic of you guys laying in the park. We're feeling the heat on the other side too!
Before the final hole the scorecard keeper said that I was 2-over. I bogeyed the last hole, but it was a very long one so it felt like par (nobody parred it), so I reported 2-over when it should have been 3. I never actually did the math Kay. Kristin, I understand - when it gets all quiet before a throw, the silence just feels awkward compared to when you and Mickie are there. Matt and I couldn't care less. Jason's "hooting" on the other hand, that was a little strange.
That sounds like it was fun...YAY WILL!
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