So I (Suzanne) decided that I am going to try out this little blog thing for a second. Really I just need to explain this video of me. So we were talking at lunch and Will got excited that he could throw away the old soap and get a new "flavor." I was really confused on how a soap could be different flavors. They are different smells but flavors? I thought they all just have a flavor of nasty. (I am right about the nasty.) So Will said well I guess if we tasted them and they are different then they have different flavors. So I decided instead of wondering we would put the theory to the test. (highly not recommended!)

Also we were goofing around with the camera and this is the product of it. Kristin and I are obviously not beautified yet. We had a good time though. This first one is really creepy of Jason. He does look a little possessed (look at our faces in the background).

The next one was Jason taking a picture with me. Kristin pushed him into the picture and that's what came of it. The next picture I told him to get in the picture with his mom, he went straight to her boob. Odd kid. I wish I got a picture of that one, but he moved away to quickly.

This one is just a picture that Jason and I unknowingly made the same face for. I don't really know how it happened, but we even have our noses scrunched the same way... weird.

So apparently there is something really frightening over where they are looking. the funny thing is they are looking in my direction. hummm. This was not staged either. Kristin was really just making that face when the picture was taken and we can't remember why. Jason is just naturally like his mom, a dork.
Congrats Zannie on a quality entry. Glad you two had fun with Jason - did he take a nap?
Did I read that right....quality entry??
What possesed you to eat the soap. Just to see if it had a flavor? Here let me help...they just smell good they don't taste good!
You guys are the biggest goof balls with the camera. With as much as Jason loves to look at himself, I bet he was in heaven.
From now on I demand 2 minute video entry of Jason. Just kidding. I am glad Kristin is feeling better and Suzanne is there to perk her up. Have a great weekend!
OH GEEZ!!! good job on that one
I laughed quite hard. I used a soft bar soap on the boys. I couldn't believe you did it a second time.
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