Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Quick Entry: Poor Moms

Just a quick entry before I head off to a meeting.
Before I left home today, I said to Kristin, "Yay! It's Friday!" - since tomorrow's July 4th and will be a holiday - it feels like a Friday. Now before I actually said it I thought "there's no way she'll ACTUALLY believe me, since it's only Tuesday. I wouldn't say it if it were Thurs and maybe not Wed. That would be mean." Anyway, sure enough she looks at me wide-eyed and says "Really?!?" I felt so bad saying "No, it's not". Anyway, poor moms who never know what day of the week it is.


Kristin said...

Thanks Will ;)

Anonymous said...

That's because we make everyday a Friday! hehehehe

Kelly Spence said...

I am just like that. That's funny. Yeah, I agree with Kay. :)

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

That is not funny, we really do not know what day it is!