Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Disc Golfing in the Wind
What can I write about today. Jason woke up 2 times last night just crying. The first time I got up and held him for a second and the second time we just let him cry. I think that will be our new approach again. I am tired of waking up and getting him. I think he has forgotten how to put himself back to sleep.

Well Edward and Joanna left yesterday and the house I back to normal for a few more weeks. I hear that Suzanne is going to live with us for a week or two while she is finding out whether or not she got the internship in Colorado. GO SUZANNE, GET THE JOB!!

Well yesterday Will and I ate and Matt and Mickies and through again. We had a good time, all except for the wind. It was crazy hard for the guys. Mickie throw a little bit, and if I do say so she did a pretty good job. So while we were disc golfing I forgot a diaper for Jason and he peed through his shorts. We had to stop off and walmart to get some diapers. It was very interesting. I think I will now keep a few diapers in the car just in case.

After disc golfing Will and Matt played basketball with Jason. Will enjoys playing with those guys. Well half way through Will did something to his foot and he was out for the rest of the night. We are not sure what happened, but it has something to do witht he top of his foot. All I know is that I had to drive home. I didn't like that aspect of the night at all. High ways make me nervous. Oh well life is great right now.

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